I still loved you the same.

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 I told you I liked you,
 you told me I'm insane.
 Because I fell for you?
 Maybe I am. 

 Does it give you pleasure?
 Watching me in pain?
 Are you happy when I'm sad?

 You heard my pleas,
 you knew my fears,
 you said you'd never hurt me,
 then why did you provoke my tears? 

 I said I admired you,
 you said you weren't the same.
 And I knew that too,
 but my affection never went away... 

 You said you didn't care,
 that you're happy with the way
 you choose, and I can't help
 but feel happy for you too. 

  I asked you if there's "us".
 You laughed at my face and said:
 "I'm not interested in that.",
 then why the hell did you come back again?
 But I still loved you the same... 

 You wanted to talk?
 You wanted to see me suffer?
 You wanted to boost your ego,
 while mine couldn't get to the
 lower place but when I saw your face,
 A guess I still loved you the same... 

 But this one thing that  
 strikes me still is when you
 told me that you knew.  
 You knew that I loved you with all my heart
 but you said: "Next one in the line."
 I hated you then. 

 I smiled after that,
 smiled at how stupid I was, for having faith in you
 and for putting you first,
 while I was nothing in your eyes.
 I hated myself then. 

 But how could you not felt it?
 Touch of our fingers, hugs and kisses you gave,
 was that really only in my mind?
 Have I really gone insane?
 I didn't care,
 I still loved you the same.

 "I'm looking for a friend" you said,
 you made me mad with that.
 Don't you remember who was there?
 Who loved your thoughts and kept you sane?
 Who laughed at your pointless jokes?
 Who accepted you with all she had?
 It was me, just to let you know. 

 I can't love you enough to make you understand,
 love is made for two, everything else is pain.
 I can't accept you enough to change the way you see yourself.
 A miserable man, that's who you are.
 On me you left a nasty scar. 

You exhausted me,
you made me cry
and no matter how hard I tried
for you it was never enough.
So I'll stop now. 

I can't suffer anymore.
Life is waiting for me
to take me home.
Without you this time. 

 You wanted a friend,
a friend you'll get.
But please, don't forget
that after all of that,
I still loved you the same.  

It's time for my change.
I, now,
don't love you the same.
You're the one to blame. 

 Thank you for setting me free,
 and I must admit,
 the joke was on me... 

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