"You learn as you live."

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I decided to transfer colleges, I'm going to Med-School now, I figured I wanted to be a nurse. I'm trying to build up a piece's of myself that I lost along the way. And the more I do that, I become much happier. And I'm good, really good. I became not that interested in love. And it feels freeing almost. Just to walk around and talk to people without being under pressure of making impression. And I have a new moto in life which goes: "You learn as you live." And I respect that now. And I don't know, it became easier to breathe. Also I started to turn todays stress into tomorrow's problem solution. And it works. I figured what I want and who I want to become and with each passing day I'm closer to figuring out who I really am.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2015 ⏰

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