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My God can you see

that lately I've been losing me. 

My God I'm sorry for a lots of things, 

for all mistakes and wrongs I did,

but please understand where I'm coming from

and why I'm trying so hard to figure out my sad life form. 

My God I'm sorry for questions, but please know 

that I never denied your existence. 

I only doubted your assistants.

My God why did you let us fall?

This world is in a war. 

In a war full of hate and jealousy,

full of tears and broken hearts 

with faces full of sad and broken smiles.

My God I haven't prayed for a long, long time

and I apologize for that,

but please try to understand. 

I'm losing it all again. 

It's hard to live in world like ours. 

It's hard to smile and difficult to find free hours. 

Familes don't function, 

houses are destroyed,

people unemployed, 

it's hard to love and be loved. 

God maybe I did lose myself, 

but I didn't lose my hope. 

It's still here,  craving to see some change. 

My God I hope that, that someday 

will come. 

And that there'll be world full 

of smiles and joy. 

With mended bones and 

healed hearts. 

My God can you tell?

Can you tell when it's that?

When will days be brighter?

And homes full of family laughter?

It's okay if you don't. 

Judge you, I wont. 

But I beg you that until that, 

please help us all. 

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