High school

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I'm sitting alone

and I'm thinking of home 

with heart full of hope...

Unspoken words,

all those dreams floating away

in different worlds. 

Here I stand

knowing again I have to understand,

that I must leave today

"You'll forget soon." - they say. 

I've waited for this moment 

I don't know for how long, 

but the closer it comes, 

the harder it is to let go. 

I guess I'll smile

and with crying heart 

I will say GOODBYE! 

Say goodbye to high school days

full of tears, 

and full of laughes!

But people like me 

they know when it's time

to take a bow. 

Maybe I'll come back 

when my heart 

won't be bruised and inked black. 

Years had gone fast

friendships are here to last 

and the rest will stay in past. 

If I must say "welcome" 

to the new life I will 

but will it welcome me? I fear. 

I will take a risk and go

But I won't forget the things 

I had to let go. 

I'll have faith in future

and maybe it will have

faith in me. 

As long as I live, I will 

remember this feeling and 

soon I will stand at the beginning. 

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