Chapter 14

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Aku dapat merasakan sesuatu yang pelik dari lelaki yang berada dihadapan aku ni. Kalau nak tengok reaksi dari bodyguard aku, tiada apa-apa tindakan, so maksudnya lelaki di hadapan aku ini merupakan seseorang yang semua orang kenal ataupun Justin. Tapi, aku pasti bahawa lelaki di hadapan aku ni bukan Justin. Entah kenapa, lelaki ini bagi vibe yang lain macam.

"Why, Alora? Something wrong?" kata lelaki tersebut dengan senyuman di muka.

If he is indeed Justin, he will never smile at me, the only thing that he will do just look at me with disgusting face. Well, I don't know what is his problem when he see pretty lady (like me). Kurang kasih sayang dari perempuan, maybe?

"Er... Alora? Why you just standing there and senyum sorang-sorang ni? Duduklah..."

Oh, aku lupa pasal lelaki ni. So, nampaknya aku kena act macam tak tahu apa-apa. Huh, Alora, you can do this. Kau dah menang award drama queen kat sekolah kau berkali-kali dah. Who is the drama queen? Yes, you are.

"Oh, sorry, I just teringat something when I saw your face earlier"

"Oh, you just remember how handsome I am?"

". . ."

". . ."

What the hell is he saying?

"Ew, of course not. What makes you think that" kata aku sambil menarik kerusi tempat duduk aku dan duduk di hadapan lelaki itu.

"Ouch, that kinda hurt"

"Duh, fact always hurt"

" I feel more hurt. Then, apa yang kau fikirkan tadi?"

"Of course I think that even tho you have a similiar face to Mr.Katz, which is my daddy even tho I don't is it true or not, but you can't beat me in term of beauty, NO. MATTER. WHAT"

And... that's the end of the story.

Reaksi lelaki itu mula-mula blank, kemudian dia tiba-tiba tertawa kecil dan kembali senyum seperti biasa. And yeah, that's kinda creepy.

"Okay, you are right. But Alora..." mata merah lelaki itu tepat memandang aku, atau lebih tepat, mata merah darahnya memandang ke dalam mata aku lalu dia menyambung "... why you look so pale?" katanya sambil jari-jemarinya menyentuh pisau di sebelah kanannya.

Roses are red, violets are blue, oh sh*t, what the fuck do I do?

"Alora? What's wrong?"

Shit, what should I do? I can't look him anymore and my hands are tremble. And bodyguard aku... the fuck, where did they go?!

"Alora?" lelaki itu cuba mencapai dan menyentuh muka aku sehinggalah... aku menampar tangannya. Lelaki itu agak terkejut dengan tindakan aku dan menarik tangannya semula.

Shit. Fuck. I'm dead. What do I do? I wanna fly right now. What do I do? Mama, lemme come with you. I gonna die. Mr.Katz, Felix or any handsome man, please come and fucking help me please!!! Anyone even Justin!!!

"So... it looks like you know that I'm not Justin" suara lelaki itu bertukar menjadi menyeramkan (but still hot) dan matanya tertumpu pada pantulan mukanya di dalam pinggan. Dia terasa ke bila aku kata yang aku lagi cantik dari dia? janganlah, itu fakta je.

"How did you know that I'm not him? We have same face tho. But why we both always be compared to each other? That's so annoying. Why the hell we..."

Lelaki itu terus cakap benda yang aku tak faham. Kau pergilah tanya orang yang compare kau dengan Justin, apahal dia tanya aku? Aku tak tahu apa-apa.

I'm just an innocent(?) girl who is being kidnapped by handsome guy.

" did you know that I'm not Justin"

". . ."

". . ."

"...Oh, you ask me?"

"Dah tu siapa lagi?"

"Oh, ermm... so... how do I know..."

Macam mana nak explain ni?

"Dia lebih kurang macam... vibe korang?"

Aku melihat ke arah lelaki tersebut dan ternyata dia tak faham apa yang aku kata.

"okay, senang cerita macam ni lah. You give vibe yang warm but at the same time, you feel dangerous. Like demon with angel face. Ha, lebih kurang macam tu lah. Meanwhile, Justin..." aku memandang ke kanan dan ke kiri aku sebelum aku menyambung. Dia takde kat sini kan? Aku nak mengumpat pasal dia ni. Setelah memeriksa beberapa kali, clear, he is not here. "Okay, lemme sambung, dia bagi vibe yang kalau nampak dia je, first thing to come to mind is 'stupid', 'idiot' or something similiar..."

"Erm, Alora..."

"And since you have same face as his, I assume that you are twin, but I have to admit you are more handsome than him. And even your smile kinda scary, but still hot meanwhile that Justin always buat muka tak puas hati even it's not my fault that I born to be beauty tho..."

"A-Alora, you better stop talking..."

"And does he know that he look so stupid when he look at me like that? I mean, I'm really pretty to begin with, just admit it. Can't he see that how pretty I am. Gosh... he is definetly stupid and doesn't have eyes for beauty. He is the stupidiest person I've ever met" dan ayat aku diakhiri dengan ketukan yang sakit pada kepala aku.

Just who the fuck just hit me huh?! Aku memandang ke belakang dan memandang idiot that hit me earlier.

And guess what, it was Justin~ Hahaha, rip me.

"Sure you have fun insult me, huh?"

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Hello, there!

Actually aku tak sangka aku baru update like I said, tahun 2022. How are you guys doing huh? Mesti dah lupa pasal aku an? Huhuhu.... salah aku lupa nak update. So, I know it's late but Happy New Year to all of you guys yang sudi baca cerita aku yang tak best mana pun ni, and I hope this year will be better for all of you guys. Itu je lah, take care, have a good day and bye~

Btw sorry kalau ada typo, malas nak check.

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