Isabela..... 💙-10

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No ones pov:

Isabela and Camilo are arguing "ISABELA YOU HAVE TO STOP PLANTING FLOWERS IN MY ROOM!?" "WhHY!?" "I DONT LIKE THEM! YOU ALL WAYS THINK ITS ABOUT YOU!" The two had carried on arguing it getting deeper and deeper no one had tried to stop them but then Dolores had spotted that Isabela began to grow a vine which was very prickly.

Dolores' pov:

My heart sank i had seen a prickly vine come from the floor come up behind Camilo,  "WELL CAMILO STOP COMING INTO MY ROOM WITHOUT KNOCKING " "I WILL IF YOU STOP!" They carried on arguing and the vine grew closer they argued louder and louder the vine had slowly climbed up Camilo and wrapped around his neck i gasped.

The  vine began to close "*****€€€€£**^^*" isabela yelled "Isabela...." "********" "ISABELA!?" The vine had tightened and pulled him back strangling him.

Camilos pov:

I felt a vine close around my neck and tighten and pull me back "ISABELA" the vine tightened and pulled me back making me go flying the vine had prickles on it and the prickles pushed on my neck making cuts, it begins to choke me.

Mamá had walked into the room when the vine had slammed me onto the wall making a small crack it carries on pulling, i look at Isabela who now realized what she had done she goes and lets the vine go and there are blood marks and cuts on my neck i go and put my hand on my neck and feel something wet so i pull away and see blood,  "Amor! Camilo! JULIETA! COME HERE QUICKLY!".

Tía Julieta came running in "yes!?... oh my!" "Dolores! GRAB THE BANDAGES! AND
A CLOTH!l Dolores goes out of the room and comes back running in with the bandages and cloth she gasps "i'll go grab a arepa!" She goes back to the kitchen running while tia julieta goes and begins to clean the cuts with the cloth i wince in pain mama goes and talks to Isabela a cloud grows above her head.

Abuela goes down the stairs to see Mama yelling at Isabela "WHAT WERE YOU DOING!?" Mama yelled "Pepa!? Why are you yelling at Isabela?" The cloud grew darker and it began to rain even more "LOOK WHAT SHE DID TO MY NIÑO!" Mama said pointing at me, Abuela just gasped, Isabela goes and runs up the stairs Dolores goes and hands me a arepa, i slowly eat it, the blood slowly disappears and the cuts heal a bit so tia goes and wraps up my neck i wince in pain.

Mama comes over to me, and hugs me "Mi amor, lo siento mucho por lo que pasó" i went to go stand up to go and hug her but and fell back down "Camilo lets take you to your bed" Mama goes and picks me up by putting her arms under my armpit and lifing me up, tia goes and does the same.

The two begin to take me up stairs, Mirabel and Antonio walk out of Antonios room and they see me they both gasp "is Camilo ok?" Mirabel asks "yea.... I hope it worked hopefully" tia julieta says "yea..." mama replies i sigh and it hurts i make a quick breathe.

I had been taken to my room, tia had taken the bandages off.

Julietas pov:

Me and Pepa took Camilo to his room and i took off the bandages to see the blood gone but the cuts still there "that will have to heal for a bit i'll go grab clean bandages" i walked out the room.

Pepas pov:

I looked at Camilo and sat next to him i looked into his eyes i was upset and scared i began to tear up a small cloud came above my head, "mama.... Be happy not sad, sad no good" he said and cupped my face i held his hand "Yo Soy lo siento Camilo yo soy lo siento bebé" "its alright mama...."  he had taken his hand off of my face and put it to his side and looked at the roof "mama..." "yes amor?" "Can... can i go to sleep?" "Yes amor ..... yes you may".

I go and head out the room and to my own there is a cloud above my head i go and open the door and see Félix i smile "oh hello amor, whats wrong why are you sad?" I go up to him and hug him he goes and hugs back "amor...." "Its Camilo.... Isabela.... They had a argument and.... Isabela's vines had.... strangled camilo but it had prickly bits on it and...." I began to cry even more i put my head into his shoulder "no...." "Yea...." "Oh he ok?" "Im not sure julieta says that he has cuts but the blood is gone after eating an arepa" "oh my....." "he has fallen asleep now though" "ok good". 

He pulled away and cupped my cheek "mi vida no por favor, por favor don't cry he will be ok" "you sure?" "Im sure mi vida" he goes and kissed me "ok amor", i go and check up on him every now and then, some had asked why he hadnt came down during dinner a small cloud would go above my head and i looked at isabela who just bowed her head "lo siento tía pepa" "as long as he is ok then its ok" "do you want me to say mama?" Dolores said leaning over to Me "por favor dolores" "well basically Isabela and Camilo had a argument and isabela was pretty annoyed and a vine sort of strangled him and it sorta went down hill" the others who asked just gasped.

Camilos pov:

I had woken up and looked around my room and I had sat up and tried to get to walk to the kitchen and fell "shit...." I heard a bunch of footsteps up the stairs and mama and papa and tia had opened the door "ow..." i tried to lift myself up but struggled, mama had picked me up and placed me on my bed "you ok cami?" "I feel better" she smiled "thats good" she went and hugged me.

Tía had gone and unwrapped the bandage to see just a scar left and she smiled "your all good to go now but just be careful when walking ok?" I smiled and nodded, while holding mamis hand and the rail i went down stairs and to the kitchen where everyone was they gasped, isabela had ran up to me and hugged me causing me to fall "woah woah, you good?" She began to cry, "yo soy yo soy lo siento mucho camilo yo soy lo siento mucho!" I smiled "its alright Isa im ok now"  she looked at me and smiled and hugged me.

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