I missed you

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I yawned loudly when I woke up I stretched out my hands above my head, my back popping ad I moved. I froze slightly something didn't feel right. I stood up on my feet and started walking but stopped as I felt the collared chain on my neck. I whimpered I must have really worried my master for this to happen. I went to grab the chain but froze when I seen hands instead of paws. I felted my face and before I knew it I was screaming.

I turned to see master running out the door a confused look on his face. Then a worried one. But before he reached me arms raped around me as my legs gave out. The arms were Alex's.

I whimpered and nuzzle into his neck. "Shh it's okay." He whispered into my ear as he stroked the top of my head. "Dude get this collar off of her now!" I heard him tell my master there was a shuffling of keys then the collar fell to the ground. Alex picked me up in his arms and he carried me into the house.

I growled lowly as a sudden urge to get back outside over came me I bit into Alex's hand when he dropped me I ran back out side. Once on the grass I fell to my knees tears streaked down my face as I stared at my hands.

Where were my paws and my muzzle I turned and looked behind me, and my tail wheres my tail? And my fur..... I'm cold I want my fur back! I whimpered and curled in on myself. I felt a hand on my arm.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I snapped at Alex he sighed and started talking quietly.

"Just think of you wolf form Calla." I rolled my eyes I was thinking about my wolf I wanted to be my wolf again not a human.
I felt my body tingle when I opened my eyes I had paws, fur, and a tail again. I barked and looked at Alex. I knew what I had to do.

Leaping at him I tore into his leg making him fall down I glanced at the man that was once my master before I turned and sprinted into the woods I don't know what was happening all I knew was that I wanted my mate back.

Aiden POV

I groaned it had been 2 years sense I had seen my mate. No one had any idea where she could have gone. We checked her pack twice a month but the wolves just watched us and I could tell the alpha was getting irrateded with our constant bugging and searching among their members.

We had followed her trail to the border of vampire territory. We had sent 5 trackers separately with 2 warriors with each of them and not one had returned.

I had a report from an alpha just south of us he had said his lead tracker had seen her and that he got her to follow him back to the pack territory. They had pinned her up. They said she couldn't shift at all, which I had had to explain that she grew up in an actual wolf pack as an omega. Turned out she bit into the alpha's am leaving a very bad wound.

What angered me the most was he said another male had saved her and killed seven of his best warriors and knocked him out while doing it. When he woke up they were both gone without a trace.

I hadn't gotten any sleep sense the report from him almost four days ago. I had ran the pack into the ground trying to find my mate, and my wolf had shut me out. He wouldn't even growl or yell at me anymore.

I heard a banging on my door and my beta yelling frantically at me telling me to come quick.

I stood and walked out of my office and down the stairs and out the door. I froze at what I seen. Cornered against a tree was my mate and my men had her surrounded keeping her there. Only she wasnt being submissive like normal but she was actually growling and snapping her teeth at them. I felt my wolf stir.

I ran forward shifting mid stride I ran into her pushing her down I stood there licking her face as she tried to stand up.

"Let me stand up Aiden! I missed you too."

I moved back letting her stand back up. "Oh my god Nira! I missed you so much don't you ever run away from me agian! I need you by my side!" I leaned into her shoulder and breathed in her sweet scent.

I'm a wolf! Not a werewolf! Part 2Where stories live. Discover now