My wolf and I

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I walked down the dirt path I didn't know where I was but I did remember the face of the wolf that was once my mate, turning into an alpha that didn't care about me and just wanted to rule the pack. I'd del with enough of that my once nice colored wolf was now covered in mud, scraps, and a few scratches.

I had a sore on the pad of my paw that everytime I placed it down a rush of pain shot through my leg making me appear with a heavy limp.

I had gotten to used to the soft flooring of the house and the soft forest floor of their territory. And now the ruff rocks and stones on the mountain sides tore at my paws. My wolf started talking to me about a week ago telling me what I had to do and where I had to go.

I had just topped the rocky hill when the sicking scent hit me and made me want to hurl. The smell told me to run get as far away  as possible but my wolf pushed me on.

I walked down the path it seemed to smooth out a bit. And my paws seemed to hurt less. as i got the the bottom of the slope I whined before entering vampire territory.

I'm a wolf! Not a werewolf! Part 2Where stories live. Discover now