Corruption? Sure why not!

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I woke in a white room I stood and barked lowly licking my muzzle I looked around shortly before a door opened and in walked the guy that was stroking my head when I fell asleep. I didn't feel hostel towards him but I kinda wanted to go and jump on him like a playful pup. He wasn't bad looking for a vampire.

"Hey there wolfy come here I won't hurt you I have a proposition for you."

I paused and narrowed my eyes at him before walking toward his out stretched hand I smelled his hand it smelt friendly. I walked closer slowly and soon he was back to scratching my head. My tail wagged strangely.

"How would you like to stay here and live with me perminantly?"

I thought about it before barking a yes.

"We'll do this spell that will take your human side away and it will link you mind to mine. Would that be ok wolfy?"

I barked another yes again if I was never going to shift I didn't need my human form and being linked to his mind gave me somone I could communicate with.

"Good then we'll get right too it." He stood up moving away from me and started speaking low words repeating them over and over again. Until I felt him enter my mind.

"Try to shift."

I tried shifting but I couldn't.

"Good" He opened the door and left the room I followed him.

"Your going to need a new name wolfy. How about Calla? She was a great warrior."

I tilted my head think before barking yes again. I didn't know what it was but I suddenly wanted to do everything he asked of me.

We walking past windows with desks and papers and pens and computers under them. I looked out one and saw my den. So they were just one way windows? Hmmm clever.

He walked up to the door and opened it into the dome. "You can go back in the pen now if you want Calla."

I wanted to but then again I didn't want to leave him. I looked at him and whined rubbing my head on his leg.

"Fine fine come on Calla you can come home with me." I barked happily and jumped up licking his face. "Calla stop it." He laughed but I still jumped down wanting to obey him as best I could.

"Let's go girl." He walked out another door a crossed a yard and then to his car with me happily on his heels. He opened the door for me and I jumped in he closed it and moved to his side. Getting in we drove off to his house.

I'm a wolf! Not a werewolf! Part 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora