Chapter 1

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Mid August, 2020 *this is current day in the story.*

"I heard your album" a pause settles over the phone
"I know it's about me"

Never in her wildest dreams did Taylor think she'd get this call.
"Wha-what are you talking about" Taylor asks, her voice coated with nerves

"I was shocked when I heard about your new "surprise" album. I knew I shouldn't have listened to it, but I just couldn't help myself. I was in disbelief when the first song came on."


Karlie continued "and one after another they just kept coming. They were all about me. I tried so hard to convince myself they weren't. But they are."

"Why does it matter anyway" an unsteady Taylor answered. "You left. You made your choice. So why does it matter?" If it was anyone else, they would have heard only harshness in Taylor's voice. But Karlie could hear through it. She heard the pain and longing.

"I don't want to explain it over the phone" Karlie steadily answered. But it wasn't steady, there was a crack, a break in Karlie's composure. And for the first time in a while, Taylor couldn't tell why. She sighed, she shouldn't do it. She knew that. But she had to. She had to know why that crack was there.


Mid 2016-

"I want to do this, no I need to do this. She's 8. She deserves to be able to have friends over, and talk freely about her mother. Some of my fans already know, and they've been awesome keeping it a secret. But I don't want to keep any secrets."

"Taylor..." Tree sighed."You already have secrets. Why does this one make a difference?"

"Because it makes a difference to her" Taylor points to a small girl sitting in the living room. "She's my daughter, and I'll do anything to protect her. And I have, but this life isn't okay for her anymore" Taylor states, Only slightly losing her composure.

"Okay, We should go over the plan one more time. Make sure nothings changed since the last time we checked it" Tree formally states. Taking out her computer.

"Let's do this" Taylor states, trying to hide her fear from the little ears that are surely listening in on their conversation.


"Jordyn, can you please come into the living room" Taylor shouts, not sure where the girl is. Soon little feet come running down the stairs, stopping at the living room entrance of their New York City apartment. Taylor gazes at her daughter, the girl, unusually small for her age, looks both everything and nothing like her.
Her brown hair still growing out from last year when she cut it in order to look like her mother. Her brown eyes a reminder of Jordyns father, or lack of. Jordyn was so smart though, she was only 8, and yet she could hold a conversation with any adult.

Taylors thoughts were broke by the sound of Jordyn's shifting feet. Her quizzical stare trying to read what was going on in her mothers head.

"Why'd you call me down?" Jordyn questioned, though she already knew the answer. She was always listening in on her mother's conversations.

"It's all approved Jordyn. The world is gonna know that your my daughter.  But I need you to understand what this all means."

"I know Mom, I'm staying homeschooled, we'll move into that secluded house in Pensilvania. I won't be able to go out much. I know the risks, but it's all worth it now. I can invite my friends over, show them my toys. Not have to sneak out the back when I go back to school." Taylor knew Jordyn was ready for this. Her daughter had matured so much in the past year. She went from and impulsive, hyper little kid, to a mature and thoughtful young girl. And sure her new ADHD meds helped that, but Taylor knew how hard Jordyn was trying to behave well.

"Okay. Right here, right now. The world is gonna know" taylor announced. Both her and Jordyn feeling the same excitement and nervousness. It was all about to change, although Taylor knew one thing that wouldn't.


Ding. A message pops up on Karlie's Home Screen. The minute she saw it was from Taylor, she knew. They had talked about this a lot before. She knew it was gonna happen. And she knew Taylor would want to be alone with Jordyn when it did. Now she just had to beat the press and paparazzi home. Home. She smiled, she loved being able to call Taylor's home her home too.

In 3 minutes Karlie was home. She jumped out of the car and into the building. Sweatshirt and sunglasses covering her face. Their lives were all about to change.

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