Chapter 9

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Authors note: Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted lately. Honestly it's hard to feel motivated to post and write new parts when I don't get a lot of interaction on my story. But I love the few of you who interact sometimes, so here's the next part! Sorry it's a little short

Early October 2020

"What the fuck Karlie! Why would you fucking say that!" Taylor screamed.

"Say what?" The model yelled back, matching Taylor's energy.

"You know what you fucking said!" Taylor screamed, infuriated at the model's denial.

"I really don't!" Karlie screamed back. She didn't even know why she was screaming, but she felt the need to.

"For fucks sake Karlie! Stop playing dumb!" The model was pissing Taylor off more by the moment.

"I can't fucking do this! I'm always here for you! I always try and listen! But I'm not gonna play this game of fucking charades to figure out what's wrong while you're yelling at me." Karlie didn't mean she was done with their relationship, just the conversation. But of course, Taylor didn't see it that way.

"Fine be done! I knew you wouldn't stay! I don't even fucking care!" Of course Taylor cared. But her shield had gone up. Karlie had unfortunately not realized it yet. She still thought this was just an angry fight, she didn't realize that Taylor thought they were breaking up.

"What the hell is going on here?!?" Jordyn had just gotten home from school, and had quite the unexpected surprise when she walked in the front door. The pause in the argument was enough to destroy Taylor's attempt at being angry. Her front quickly fell as her body did the same. She slid down onto the ground and sat there with her arms around her knees, pulling them into her chest and burying her sobs into her thighs. She knew how to avoid drawing attention to herself, and she did it well.

Karlie was so distracted by Jordyn's abrupt entrance into the house that she didnt even notice Taylor, who was just out of her peripheral vision. Jordyn would have noticed sooner, since she had a clear view of Taylor, but she was till in shock from what she walked in on. The shock quickly wore off, and Taylor immediately caught Jordyn's attention. As soon as Karlie saw Jordyn's line of vision go elsewhere, she turned around to see what Jordyn was looking at and immediately saw Taylor there.

Any anger Karlie had quickly disappeared, and she rushed over to help comfort Taylor. She was tense and stiff at first, refusing to loosen her body at all in Karlie arms. But Karlie just continued to hold onto Taylor, squeezing her tighter and tighter. Jordyn had moved to the floor next to them, not wanting to overwhelm Taylor, but not wanting to leave the room either.

Taylor was still stiff, not letting her wall down at all. Through muffled tears she let out, "Please don't leave me. Please don't break up with me again." That was Karlie's first sign that she had really fucked up. She had no idea that Taylor would take what she said like that, and she felt so awful for it.

"Look at me" she whispered. "I'm not going anywhere, ok?" Karlie gave a slight pause so that Taylor could really hear what she was gonna say. The singer was still tense in her arms, but Karlie thought of something that might help. "You and me for evermore" she whispered, placing a kiss on Taylor's temple.

Those words were enough to break down Taylor protectant wall. The phrase meant so much to her. Taylor had said it once, and Karlie had made fun of her use of such a "long and old word" but it soon became a common phrase in their relationship. It was a code word sometimes, but more importantly it was a promise to each other. One that they had already broken once, and refused to break again.

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