Chapter 3

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Mid September 2007

"Shit" "Oh my god what am I gonna do. This can't be true. It was one fucking time." Taylor paces her bathroom. It had only been one time. They even used protection. How could she have been so careless.

Suddenly there's a knock on the door, but Taylor's too far into her anxiety attack to civilly answer the door. Instead she manages a simple "who is it?" With a shaky voice.

"Oh darling, what's wrong?" Her mother's voice comes from the other side of the door. Taylor can't manage to explain what's going on right now. Instead she unlocks the door and practically falls into her mother's arms, pregnancy test in hand.

"Oh Tay..." her mother was about to ask her what was wrong again when she spotted the pregnancy test in Taylors hands. She doesn't even have to read it to know the results. Without looking at it she places the test on the nearest table. She then allows her and Taylor to fall to the ground. Taylor sits in fetal position. Legs tucked to her stomach. Her head buried in her mothers shoulder. They stayed like that for a while. And they would have stayed like that for even longer if Austin and Taylors dad hadn't come home. She'll never forget telling her dad the news. He was so mad. It was one of the only things Taylor's parents ever fought over in front of her. It was the biggest divide their family ever had. Her dad, only worried about Taylor's future, wanted her to get rid of the baby. Preferably before birth. But her mother knew. She knew it was Taylors choice, and like any mother that was as close with Taylor as Andrea was, she knew what her daughter choice would be. Maybe before Taylor even did.


Taylor's eyelids flashed open, the bright sunlight blinding her. She felt so warm. Not from the sunlight, but from whatever was next to her. It felt like human sun, only better bc it was just the perfect temperature of warmth. She nuzzled into it not thinking hard at all about what it was, before falling asleep again.

When Taylor woke the second time, she felt a headache pounding at her. She heard pans clattering in the kitchen. And it took her a solid minute so figure out that it was Joe making the noise. She must have let out a groan, bc Joe heard and came over to her. A glass of water and the box of Advil in his hands. He handed the water and two Advil to Taylor. Taylor took the pills and was about to give the water back to him when Joe stopped her.

"Karlie's probably gonna need two too" Joe stated, before putting Taylor's water on the coffee table with the Advil and walking back into the kitchen. "Karlie?"Taylor wondered, but suddenly she felt warm flesh push against her.

"Holy shit" Taylor meant to keep the thought in her head, but she must of said it out loud because Karlie mumbled a sleep response of "you ok?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." Taylor replied, as a small smile crept onto her face. Karlie was right next to her, and that made her very happy. She turned around under Karlie's arm, her head resting in Karlie's neck. And then she must have fallen back asleep.


Jordyn walked down the stairs at around 10 o'clock. She had already said Good morning to Joe who had been up in his room packing but she was shocked to find the rest of the house quiet. Taylor never slept this late, and neither did Karlie from what she remembered. But there they were, the same place Jordyn had found them late last night when she came down to grab a cup of water. She had placed the nearest blanket over them, before heading back upstairs. But now it was almost 10 and Joe had to leave for his flight around 2, so it was time for the girls to get up. This always used to be Jordyn's favorite job. She remembered waking Taylor up when she was little. Taylor never was good at getting out of bed when someone else was in it. Not Liz or Harry or any of Taylors ex's. Or atleast the nice ones that Jordyn was aloud to be around. Jordyn walked to the front of the couch, watching the girls take one final sleeping breath before she jumped on top of them. Taylor gasped meanwhile Karlie just let out a laugh. Putting her free arm around Jordyn too.

"Since when did you become a personal alarm clock?" Karlie wittily questioned.

"Since you guys started sleeping till 10 o'clock" Jordyn jokingly replied

"Holy shit" Taylor gasped "it's 10 o'clock?"

"Yup" Jordyn replied. "How hungover are you?" Jordyn joked. But Taylor was already up and off the couch.

"Karlie can I talk to you in private for a second?" Taylor huringly questioned

"Uh sure?" Karlie skeptically replied. So Karlie and Taylor walked into the other room, leaving Jordyn in the living room on her phone

"Listen, I had an amazing time with you, and I don't want this to be over. But Joe leaves today and I owe it to him to spend these last hours with him. So how about you go and I promise I'll text you later." Taylor pleadingly asked

"Okay, or... I could take Jordyn out and then drop her off later once Joe is gone. That way you guys can have some alone time?" Karlie questioned, obviously pushing her luck, but it was a good thing Taylor wanted an excuse to see her again.

"Great! I'll tell Jordyn to go get dressed. And don't worry about her being seen with you. She almost never gets papped. Only thing the Paparazzi have been considerate about in a while." And with that, Jordyn and Karlie had a date, and Karlie had guaranteed herself a chance to see Taylor again. What could go wrong?

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