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It was naive. 

Thinking that he could hide such a thing from his best friend for so long.

But all it took was one bad day. Just twelve or so hours with unstable emotions to have him slipping into his headspace, on the couch for Chan to find. 

But the older treated him so delicately; gently wiping his tears while holding him, whispering the sweetest things as Felix buried his face in Chan's shirt.

He took Felix for a walk to get ice cream after the younger had calmed down. Felix still remembered the way Chan had held his hand the entire way, all the while observing the little state Felix was in and acting accordingly. 

And a couple of days after that incident, Chan proposed that they live together while they both attended uni. He made it clear that it was Felix's choice, and this suggestion implied something else.

That Chan would become Felix's caregiver. 

And after the younger had kept asking Chan if he didn't mind like a broken record, Felix happily said yes, thanking his best friend over and over again. 

And the first thing Chan did was experiment with nicknames. 

Felix had always referred to himself as 'Lixie' up till that point, but it soon changed to 'Baby' after being called things like 'Sweetheart', 'Angel', or 'Cutie'. 

And then came the more physical affection. 

The head pats.

The small kisses.

The cuddling.

And Felix loves every minute of it till date.

So, yes.

It's cliche.

But he's in love with his best friend. 



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