~Sweet Baby~

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TW: This story contains Contents of Depression, Suicide, self harm, Stockholm Syndrome, Stalking, Manipulation and Abuse. If any of these are a trigger for you please be aware that this story will mention it.

You where reading in your Library one day, a book on space and time. It was actually quite interesting, about how Time could be altered and different times where happenings in space. You found it to be truly fascinating.

"Excuse me, I'd like to take this book out please." You looked up and locked eyes with your math teacher "Oh, Ms Sherman. Of course." You took the book from her and scanned it as she got out her card, "Please dear, call me Diane. No need for formalities outside of the school walls." You smiled slightly at her as she scanned her card, you took a quick glance at the book.

"Medication and the dangers of pills?.." You slowly gave the book back to Diane "The Biology teachers have completely taken over my mind. They've gotten me interested on how the human body reacts with certain medications." You made an 'O' shape with your mouth understanding why she'd need the book.

"I'll see you tomorrow Y/n." You nodded at her as she left, you liked Diane, she was a nice person and a great teacher. She also always helped you whenever you needed it. You looked at the Grandmaster clock in the corner of the library and saw that it was closing time.

You picked up your bag and looked around the store for any damage or people still around, you came to the conclusion that everything was good. You left the library and locked the front door, that's when you heard the clicking of a camera, you whipped your head around and saw no one there "What the hell-" you took a quick glance around and put the front key bag into your bag.

This had been happening for months, you'd be followed everywhere by someone but never be able to catch them in the act. You quickly ran to your home and locked the door "Jesus.." You shut and looked every door and window in your house, but you still felt unsafe and watched. You placed your bag down by the front door and went upstairs to get changed into more comfortable clothes. Once you came back downstairs, the front door was open.

You turned around to the kitchen to get the phone in there to call the police but the phone was gone, and there was a note 'Dont call Police' that was easier said than done in your opinion.

You went over to your bag and grabbed your phone from the inside pocket, if you couldn't call the police, you can't call your parents, and you had no friends. There was only really one person you could call. "Ms Sherman.." your voice was shaking slightly as she responded with an excited voice "Oh, hello Y/n, dear what's the matter? You sound frightened." you fumbled with the wire of the phone as you scanned over your living room.

"I think someone's in my house, can...can you come over?" You thought you heard a slight giggle of delight but you had to be mistaken, why would Diane giggle at that? She wouldn't. "Of course I can sweetie." Diane reassured you that you would be alright, you soon hung up the phone and looked around.

"Sick bastard.." You stayed close to your front door until Diane knocked on the door "Y/n! It's me!" You quickly opened the door and Diane smiled at you "Awe Sweetheart your shaking like a leaf, go get into my car it's just over there I'll grab your things and you can stay with me, alright?" You nodded slightly and went out to her car.

You sat in the passenger seat and brought your knees up to your chest, what kind of freak would be stalking you, the town quiet girl. You sat quietly until Diane sat next to you in the driver's seat and put down a bag of your stuff into the back seats, "I locked the house, you have nothing to worry about." you nodded slightly and she began to drive away from your house.

You soon fell asleep in her car, once the car stopped you jolted away "Woah, calm down sweetheart, we're here." You looked around and began to calm down, Diane got out of her side of the car and came round to open your door. Once you got out you grabbed your bag and held it tightly "Sorry about this..." Diane unlocked her front door and let you walk inside before her "It's perfectly fine." Diane led you upstairs towards a room, it was decorated a lot like a teenagers room "It's nice..." Diane thanked you and leaned on the door, you placed your bag down and slowly sat on the bed "I really appreciate this Diane.....thank you. It must be weird, since your my teacher and all.." your voice became more quiet as you got more nervous.

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