~Home Sweet Home~

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You curled up in the sheets of the bed refusing to get up “Y/n, get up.” You heard Diane's voice ringing in your ears “I don't want to..” Diane came over to you and ripped the sheets away “Up, your coming to town with me.” You looked at her and yawned “Why?” Diane sat next to you on the bed and brushed some hair out of your face “I need to go to the Pharmacy to pick up some medication, for you and the pain in your feet.” You groaned and got up “Now get dressed.” Diane got up and walked out of the room.

“Yes Captain Sherman.” You saluted towards the door and began to get dressed. You put on a yellow sweater with a black skirt and black flats. Once you where downstairs you walked into the kitchen and Diane had already made breakfast.

“I hope you like pancakes.” You looked at her a nodded lightly before sitting down and beginning to eat “Did you sleep well?” You looked up at her and nodded once more “Not in a talking mood today baby?” You shook your head and kept eating “Well I'm fine with that.” You smiled and finished the pancakes, Diane soon finished hers and you picked up hers and your plate “You really don't have to sweetheart-”

You looked at her and raised an eyebrow “You cook the food, I'll clean the dishes.” Diane sighed and agreed. You began to clean the dishes and hum whilst doing it.
Diane watched you carefully at the table, Once you where finished you dried your hands and turned around. “So the Pharmacy?..”

Diane snapped out of her thoughts and got up “Right, let's go.” You followed her out of the house and into her car, as she drove she was speaking to you about all sorts of things until a thought popped into your head “Has anyone asked about me? In school.” Diane tapped her fingers against the steering wheel before answering your question “Only a few people, like Penelope and Ryan they asked where you were.”

Penelope and Ryan, if you had any friends in the world it would've been those two, “Ms Jones also asked, you never told me you where we'll loved amongst the teachers.” You smiled slightly and thought about all the good grades you got and how the teachers appreciated your efforts in their classes.

Once Diane parked Infront of the Pharmacy she got out and you followed her inside, Diane offered for you to walk around and see if you wanted anything from the actual store half of the pharmacy. As you looked around you came across the chocolates, now you where an absolute sucker for delicious foods and chocolate was by far your favourite. You where deciding on which bar to get before your thinking was inturpted by loud cheering voices, calling your name.

“Y/n!” You turned around and saw Penelope practically diving towards you into a hug and Ryan following behind. “Calm down you two! You'll brake me in half!” Penelope began to shake you “Where have you been! You weren't in school and that is so unlike you Y/n! Ms Hastings was pacing around all day! Wondering where you were! We even asked our crazy Math teacher!” You calmed Penelope down and Ryan began to join in.

“Calm down! And what do you mean crazy!?” Penelope had a shocked look on her face “Everyone has been saying Ms Sherman drugged her daughter! That wasn't even hers! Not to mention she's a total creep!” You frowned at Penelope “She's not a creep. And she wouldn't do something like that.”

Ryan tilted his head at your serious tone “Woah Y/n, you don't usually talk like that.” You shook your head at them as a familiar and comforting voice inturpted the conversation “Have you picked something sweetie?” Diane put her hand  on your lower back as you nodded up at her “Ms Sherman!? You've been with our math teacher!?” You glared at Penelope as you grabbed the chocolate from the shelf.

“Please Ms Green, mind your business.” Penelope scolded Diane as you both went to turn away “Y/n! It's creepy the fact she's even with you outside of school! She called you 'Sweetie' for god's sakes!”
You looked at Penelope and thought for a moment if she was right “Ms Green, you know Y/n is unable to talk to her parents and she also can't stay with either of you, so she came to me. Not weird at all, just a student looking for help from a teacher. And I'll have you know, all the teachers give students nicknames. So if you'll excuse us.”

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