~Thank You Penelope~

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You laid on Diane's bed as she sat with your head on her lap, she hummed as she braided your hair. You groaned and began to open your eyes “Morning baby.” You groaned and attempted to move away from her but you where sadly unsuccessful as you hissed in pain.

“Dont move, it'll make your ankle hurt more.” Diane stroked your hair as your head rested back down on her lap “Just stayed put with me, and you won't have to worry about anything. I'm the only one who can help you.” Diane finished the braid and brushed it out of the way of your neck, “Now, this'll hurt a bit Hun. But you can be brave for mommy, can't you?” you glanced up at her with tears in your eyes.

She held a syringe in her hand, it was full of a dark liquid “This'll make you forget everything, and you can be my baby, forever.” you shook your head as she felt your neck for a vein “Diane...please don't....I'm scared....I don't wanna die..” Diane frowned and furrowed her eyebrows “Dont ever say that. I would never hurt you.” You shut your eyes as the needle settled into your neck causing you to fall asleep and your memories to go foggy.

The next day, you woke up in a bed. A comfortable grey bed “What?..” You looked around, you didn't know where you were. You left the bedroom, and wandered downstairs “Hello?” You saw a woman's head poke from behind the kitchen doorway, “Morning sweetheart.” you recognised the woman, Diane, your math teacher. “Diane?” She smiled and gestured for you to come into the kitchen with her.

You sat down at the table as she put down waffles with Berry's “I grew them myself.” you smiled up at her slightly and tore at the skin on your fingers, “Why am I here?” Diane sighed and sat down opposite you, “Well, your parents got into an accident whilst driving you, Penelope and Ryan into school. They all died in a car crash. You where the only survivor in the crash, went into a coma. I stayed with you, until you eventually woke up.” You tried to add everything together.

It would make sense as to why your ankle was hurt and your memories where gone to your knowledge. A sadness resides in you, knowing that your friends had passed in a crash.  You smiled sadly at her and began to eat your breakfast “School told me that once you woke up, you can have a few weeks off to adjust to everything.” You kept eating and thanked her for talking to the school.

Diane got up to clean the dishes “I've got to go sub calculus, do you think you'll be okay whilst I'm gone?” Diane crouched down next to you and held your hand, “I think I'll be fine.” Diane smiled at you warmly “I'm happy your awake.” you smiled at her as she leaned up and kissed your forehead, the kiss sent shivers down your spine.

Diane soon left the kitchen to go get her stuff together, you followed behind “What should I do whilst your gone?” Diane placed her laptop and books into her bag, “Watch some TV, read, write. Whatever you like Hun. Just don't leave the house okay?” Diane placed her lunch in her bag and threw it over her shoulder.

“Can..Can I get a goodbye kiss?” Diane smiled brightly at you “Where do you want it?” You pointed at your cheek and Diane planted a goodbye kiss onto it. “Be good whilst I'm gone.” You nodded at her as she left the house.

You decided to look around and try refresh your memory, you looked at the Basement door. It was padlocked “Weird.” You looked in the kitchen, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary, once you finished Searching the house. You could find, nothing.

Not that there was anything to find, Diane was a completely normal, friendly, person, she was only helping you from the moment you woke up. Although you did find it strange that you weren't in a hospital, but you fingured that they just let Diane look after you after a while.

You sat down on the couch and proceeded to fall asleep, your head was still rather fuzzy.

But only a few hours later you shot up letting out a screech of fright, Diane came running into the room and held your face “What's wrong baby? What's wrong?” tears streamed down your face as you began to hyperventilate “You, you kidnapped me! And killed my parents, my friends! You chased me everywhere!” Diane face went pale, as if she'd seen a ghost “It was in my nightmare! It was so scary! I thought you where going to kill me!”

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