~Hello, Sweet Baby~

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Diane waited in the Hospital waiting room as you where being treated, Diane didn't know what to think. She didn't know if she would lose you, if you lived you'd run away, if you died she'd be alone again. She refused to lose you.

It was only a matter of time until the police came to drag her away. A doctor came into the waiting room “Miss Sherman, she's ready to see you.” Diane's head jerked up as she stood and left the room racing towards the room you where staying in. She went inside and you where laying on the bed, half conscious. “Diane?...” Diane went and sat by your side holding your hand “Im here baby, I'm here.”

You winced in pain “It hurts...” Diane looked the bruises and cuts all over your face and arms “Its going to sweetheart.” Your eyes welled up with tears “Why does the suffering never end....” Diane sighed as she kissed your hand causing you to wince again “Its hard to breathe.....it's hard to see....it hurts to move..” A tear rolled down Diane's cheek, if only she'd made sure to keep you in the car, maybe you wouldn't be in pain. “Im sorry it hurts, but it has to, it means your getting better.”

You smiled slightly, recalling your mother telling you the exact same thing when you where little, but the thought of your mother only brought you more sadness “Why did you do it....Why did you kill them..” Diane shut her eyes and looked away from you as more tears fell from your eyes “They didn't understand, they wanted to take you away from me.”

You let out a deep breath, well as deep of a breath as your body would let you. “You didn't have to kill them...I could've convinced them. I could've stayed with you...” Diane let out a stream of sobs “But now, the police are after your head...” Diane nodded understanding, she knew the consequences of her actions if she was ever caught. “I miss my mother....” You sobbed quietly, if you where to sob any louder it would've only brought more pain to the cuts and bruises.

“You have me..” You looked up at Diane, tears rolling down your cheeks, breathing tube helping you remain alive and bandages over your legs and arms “I do have you.....But you don't have me...not after what you've done.” Diane frowned “I've done all of this for you.” you shook your head slightly.

“You did this for you.” Diane shook her head and frowned more tears leaving her eyes “No, that is not true!” You shut your eyes as she yelled “I don't need you Diane, I may have before but now I don't.” Diane's heart hurt as she leaned closer to you “You Will.” You shook your head as she got up “You Will Need Me.” She left the room and the hospital, she had to get ready.

You pressed the buzzer to call a nurse in “Yes Miss?” You looked at the young woman with sadness in your eyes “Miss Sherman....She'll come back...She's dangerous.” You explained everything to the nurse and she immediately called the police and remained with you.

“What's your name?” The woman smiled at you “Its a truly old sounding name.” You smiled slightly “My name is Mildred. What's yours?” You shut your eyes contently feeling safer “Y/n. Y/n L/n.” Mildred's eyes widened “The missing girl Y/n?” you nodded, the thought of you having actually been missing slipped your mind. “That makes sense, I'll be sure that you see a Therapist after all this.” you thanked her and she held your hand.

“May I ask how old are you Y/n?” You thought for a moment 18? No, 20? Also no. “I can't seem to recall my age, definitely not a teenager but also not a grandma, what about you Mildred?” She smiled at you “Im 37.” You gasped “What do I look older?” you shook your head “I thought you where at least 23.” The young nurse laughed as she thanked you.

But the peace was suddenly inturpted by the yelling of police officers and a gun shot “What's going on?” Mildred ran up to the door and locked it “It's alright don't panic. Tell me about school.” Mildred had managed to distract you whilst chaos unfolded outside the doors of your room Finally you fell asleep and Mildred looked towards the doors to the room. The door handle shook and a bullet shot through the lock braking it.

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