Saving Steve

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{In the volcano}
Steve was defending himself with his stone sword while Herobrine and his friend were fighting with diamond swords. When Steve and Herobrine were in a sword clash Herobrine's friend came from behind Steve and swung his sword at him. Then Herobrine stabbed Steve. Then he grabbed Steve by the wrist and held him over the lava. Just as he was about to let go, Sky came out and distracted Herobrine while Skyler got Steve and put him on the ground and got her sword out and fought Herobrine and his friend until the volcano gave a sign that it was going to erupt. Quickly Skyler and Sky got Steve and started to run out the volcano. They were running as fast as they could as the volcano exploded and lava was going everywhere. They ran to the plains and stopped to catch their breath. They saw the lava burn the forest and turn to ash. They then went to a nearby village and got a house to rest in.
I hope you like the story so far and I can see if I can update it a bit more.

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