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Everyone was at the mountains and they were ready to fight. Herobrine stood at the top of the mountain. After a while they all fought. Herobrine's army had monsters from the overworld and the nether and they were not very easy to kill. While everyone was fighting Skyler climbed the mountain Herobrine stood on. When she was almost at the top a ghast slammed next to her causing her to loose grip. Before she fell far she stabbed the side of the mountain with her sword. When she pulled it out she continued climbing. When she reached the top she went towards him with her sword. Herobrine turned just in time to see her coming and blocked her attack.
"How are you still alive?"asked Herobrine.
"Your attack just failed and gave me the power to do this-" said Skyler as she swung her sword out and had vines crawl on it. She then stabbed Herobrine and he fell to the ground. When he fell all the monsters fell to the ground to. After everyone cheered. When Skyler got down she healed the wounded and brought the dead back (because having life powers allow's that to happen...deal with it) and they all celebrated and acted as if Herobrine never existed.
For now.
So thats the end of this book but I will continue and make a sequel. So I hope you enjoyed this and I really hope you look forward to the sequel.

The Awakening of HerobrineWhere stories live. Discover now