the end

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After a couple months the team built a city and went mining. After a while of being on the cave they found a stronghold and looked around. Then they found a portal that has already been opened with all the eye of enders in place. They decided to jump in. When they were all in the end they saw Herobrine. They all thought that he was dead but apparently not. Then the ender dragon appeared. They all luckily had bows and arrows and swords. They shot the ender stones so the dragon couldn't heal and started to fight the ender dragon. After they killed the dragon they were gonna fight Herobrine but he was gone. Another portal appeared and they jumped in so they could go home. But not all of them returned home. Sky, Trumu, and Skyler got teleported into a forest while the rest got teleported home.
Sorry if this was a bad chapter but I had to quickly type it up because I dont have alot of free time this week but at least theres a chapter today.

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