S1 EP4 - Drop Zone

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JUNE 19, 00:43 ECT

Mac Gargan stood by the side of Kobra as they looked down on the ring.

Mac: (In Spanish) He has been fighting hard for control of this place. What makes you think we can stop him?

Kobra: (In Spanish) Patience, my venomous friend. Patience.

The door on one side opens and Bane walks through. On the other side, a scrawny Baran Flinders enters. One of the cultists drops Bane's venom and injector next to him.

Bane: (In Spanish) You give me back my greatest weapon? What's the catch?

Cultist: (In Spanish) No catch. It would hardly test his champion's prowess if you were not at your best.

Bane: (In Spanish) You want my best?

He plugs the injector into the valve at the back of his head. His body bulks up as the venom travels through his veins.

Bane: (In Spanish) You got it.

On the other side, Baran is injected with a formula by his sister. His body begins to bulk and mutate until he is no longer Baran and becomes the monster, Mammoth. He rushes towards Bane and swings at him. Bane grabs his arm, being pushed back a little in the process, and uppercuts him followed by a punch which does little. Mammoth begins to pummel Bane with hardly a challenge presented, throwing him throughout the entire ring. Eventually, Bane laid knocked out of the ground.

Mac: (In Spanish) Impressive.

The cultists around the room began to chant "Hail Kobra."

Mac: Hail Kobra, indeed.



JUNE 22, 20:08 ECT

The team all sat on the bio-ship flying through the night sky.

Miss Martian: We're approaching Santa Prisca.


Batman: Isla Santa Prisca. This island nation is the primary source of a dangerous and illegal neosteroid. A strength enhancing drug sold under the street name "Venom." Infrared heat signatures indicate their factory is still operating at full capacity, but all shipments of Venom have been inexplicably cut off. That's where this team comes in. This is a covert recon mission only. Observe and report. If the Justice League needs to intervene, it will. The plan requires two drop zones.

Dick: So, who's in charge?

Batman: Work that put between you.


Miss Martian: Drop zone A in 30.

Aqualad stood up and activated his stealth-tech suit.

Aqualad: Ready.

Miss Martian: Putting Bio-Ship in camouflage mode.

As they approached the island, Aqualad departed over the ocean. He made his way to the island where he attached machinery to the sensors.

Aqualad: Heat and motion sensors are patched. Data's now on a continuous loop. Move in.

They got further into the island, above the heavy tree line.

{DISCONTINUED} The Devil of Young Justice (Son of Daredevil OC)Where stories live. Discover now