For you, It's worth it. (Hailee Steinfeld)

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Dedicated to AngelMay235 cuz the poor baby isn't feeling well rn :(
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"Wake up my looove" Hailee said in a sing-song voice, kissing my cheek

"Urghhhh" I groaned out in pain

"Oh my god you're burning up" she said worriedly putting her hand to my forehead.

"I feel like shit and my throat hurts like a bitch" I said with a horse voice, barely having the strength to open my eyes and look at her gorgeous face.

"My poor baby" she said while pouting.

"I'm going to go get you something, I'll be right back Angel." She said kissing my forehead and leaving the room.

I pulled the covers around me tighter, feeling like I wanted to cry. I despised being sick. I'm pretty sure everyone does.

Hailee came back after a little while with a hot bowl of soup on a bed tray.

I smiled as I noticed it was chicken noodle soup, my favorite.

I sat up and she put the bed tray over my lap so I could eat it.

She went out of the room again and came back with some water and medicine.

"Here take this after you finish and I promise, you will feel so much more better" she said leaving the medicine on the night stand.

I scrunched my face up at the medicine

"I know you hate it, but it will make you feel better" she said putting a hand on my cheek.

I leaned into her hand and closed my eyes. I felt her start rubbing her thumb on my face.

"Okay" I said opening my eyes.

She smiled and stayed with me. We talked as I finished my soup.

"Babe that was the best soup I've ever tasted in my life" I said handing her my empty bowl.

She giggled cutely causing me to smile like an idiot before sneezing violently.

"Ughhhh" I groaned, letting my head fall back against the Headboard.

"Oh gosh, alright it's time for medicine now" Hailee said worriedly.

I reached over to the night stand to grab a tissue and blow my nose before throwing it out in the trash can Hailee had moved next to the bed while we were talking.

I downed the medicine with a frown and finished the glass of water before giving the empty glass back to Hailee.

She put it on the dresser and came back  to me, sitting on the edge of the bed again

I winced in pain as I felt my body ache.

She frowned as she noticed and she grabbed both my hands in hers.

"Rest now, and I promise I'll make you some nice hot ramen when you wake up and then you can take a nice steam shower and you'll feel even better she said.

She leaned in to kiss me and I gently pulled away.

"I don't want you to get sick too" I said sadly looking into her eyes

"For you, it's worth it." She said before pressing her lips gently against mine and kissing me softly.

When she pulled away I leaned my head against her forehead and we both closed our eyes smiling.

She then got up and tucked me in before going to the other side of our shared bed and getting in with me.

She held me in her arms and spooned me and I felt myself fall into a content sleep.

It was pretty short ik

I hope you liked it though :)

Feel better Angel!


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