Good Morning Darling (Daisy Ridley)

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Shoutout to my lovely friend who gave me the prompt to write this. Happy birthday Lina I hope you like this one :)


(Y/N's POV)

I slowly blink my eyes as I wake up and I smile as I see my girlfriend Daisy sleeping soundly next to me.

 I brush a hair out of her face, she looks so pretty and I think of how lucky I got.

I stare lovingly at her face for a little and give her a little kiss on the cheek before I slowly get up so I don't wake Daisy up and I stretch my body. 

Today is a good Saturday for sleeping in and having breakfast together I smile.

Daisy is off for the weekend so I want to make the most of our time together since we are always apart due to her filming.

I brush my teeth and get to work in the kitchen.

"Alexa play Piña by Lauren Jauregui and Snow Tha Product" I say to the Alexa that's in our kitchen.

The music starts playing on my spotify and I smile.

I grab the eggs out of the fridge and the cinnamon french toast sticks out of the freezer. I'm not much of a cook, that's Daisy's specialty, but I do what I can.

I put a couple of french toast sticks on one pan, and on the other, I butter the pan up.

I sway my hips to the music and while singing along. 

I crack two eggs carefully on the pan and get to work, while still dancing and singing.

as the song is about to finish I get up on the counter next to the stove, but far enough away to save my skin if anything pops up from the pan. and sit there while the eggs and french toast sticks cook slowly.

I start looking on my spotify for another song to play on my phone, still making sure to keep an eye on the food.

I get off the counter to flip the french toast and then get back on the counter, starting to scramble the eggs with one hand, still looking for another song in the other.

Daisy's POV

I walk into the kitchen as I hear music coming from it and smell cinnamon, causing my stomach to growl.

I smile at the scene I Walk in on. 

(Y/n) is sitting on the counter in nothing but an oversized t-shirt, My shirt, she looks so good as she looks on her phone while making eggs and french toast sticks. She starts playing another Spanish song and starts dancing and singing in place, still not noticing me as she turns the stove off.

I giggle lightly and lean on the fridge while crossing my arms, taking in her Wild care free hair, dance-y body and her glazed and tired eyes as she yawns but continues to sing lightly and dance.

She closes her eyes, getting enthralled with the music so I make my way over to her and put my hands on her thighs, startling her lightly.

(y/n)'s POV

I feel soft hands on my thighs and my eyes fly open and I gasp before I relaxed, realizing Daisy is in front of my looking up at me with a smile on her face.

"Oh my god Daisy, you scared the hell out of me!" I said putting a hand over my heart.

"Good morning darling, I'm sorry I couldn't help myself you looked too good and I love when you sing in Spanish" she said, her voice lowering at the end of the sentence.

I blush heavily, her tone going straight in between my thighs.

I look over at the french toast sticks and see that they are done.

"Hey babe can you turn the other stove off?"

Daisy keeps one hand on my thigh and uses the other to turn the stove off.

"soooo, I made breakfast," I said smiling as she turned back to me"

She didn't say anything, keeping her hands up my thigh and moving them up.

I let out a heavy sigh as we made eye contact while. she spread my thighs and stood in between them.

"Daisy..." I whimpered, hiding my face in her neck to cover my face since it was embarrassingly hot and red right now.

She started to kiss my neck and I moaned in pleasure.

"Daisy..." I sighed her name out.

She pulled away from my neck and placed her forehead against mine.

"Okay okay I'm sorry I just couldn't resist you darling." She said softly before kissing my lips softly.

I smiled drowsily, feeling drunk on her kisses and love.

"I love you so much" I said to her

"I love you too. Now let's eat this delicious breakfast you made before it gets too cold." She said giggling.

"I'll get the plates!" She said pulling away from me, I held in a whine once her body warmth left me.

I watched her busily get the plates out and I smiled softly.

She turned around to look at me once she noticed me staring.

"What!?" She said with a big smile on her face.

"Nothing, I'm just thinking about how lucky I got" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"I'm the lucky one" she said putting the plates down and serving the food onto them.

Once she was finished serving both plates she bought them to the table.

"Alright now get over here! I wanna finish eating this so I can eat you next." She said with a smirk on her face.

"Daisy!" I said hopping off the cabinet and making my way over to the table while we both giggled.

What a beautiful late morning it is, and how beautiful her presence makes the air feel...
UGH I'M SO SOFT AFTER WRITING THAT LITERALLY. I love you Lina, I hope this was good😭

It's a bit shorter than what I usually write but It was cute.

See y'all in the next chapter!


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2022 ⏰

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