Chapter 8

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"Ok, here's what I have. You were upset- sorry, mad, with Stonemover because he didn't want to heal your scar. But you claim that wouldn't have attacked him even if you felt so enraged. However, Darkstalker needed a scapegoat to blame so he could be seen as a hero, so after healing your scar, he enchanted you to attack Stonemover, but then intercepted you, claiming that you were seeking revenge. Everyone believed him because of his likability enchantment, but when he was defeated you had to take that enchanted earring to rid yourself of his spells before coming here. That's why you still have your scar. Is that all right?" Rail had summarized everything pretty well, but Flame still had something to add.

"You should probably add that I had no reason to harm Stonemover. I knew there were two mind readers in that mountain - I stood no chance to go unnoticed, even if had bad intentions," he explained, waving his talon.

Rail nodded as they wrote, but then looked up, "wait, two mindreaders?" Flame shot them a glare, and they responded, "alright alright, not the point, but that's definitely a story for another time."

Flame felt strangely light after having discussed all of that with Rail. The hybrid was quite curious, but he could definitely understand why Hurricane had thought they'd be a precious ally for his case. They were full of insightful thoughts and suggestions.

At that moment, Ardor and Placoid walked through the doorway, with Ire trailing behind them. The former were chattering idly, but Ire looked exhausted, and for the first time she didn't look down to glare at Flame. He decided to return the favor, for now.

"Oh! Hiya Rail!" Ardor chirped, setting some covered trays on the meeting table in front of Rail and Flame. "You left so early today, Placoid and I almost got worried, but I'm glad you got to meet our newest cavemate," she declared with a smile.

Placoid nodded, looking sad. Rail moved to his side and whispered something in his ear. The SeaWing nodded, and they left the room in silence. Flame guessed that they needed to talk in private.

"What's up with him?" Flame asked, curious. He didn't know why, but part of him felt responsible for the SeaWing's mood.

"Oh, hm," Ardor exchanged a glance with Ire, who shrugged, before moving toward the trays that the smaller SkyWing had been holding.

"Placoid doesn't like the skills lab. Most places in which he needs to socialize make him feel uncomfortable because of his lisp, but the other young SkyWings are particularly cruel. They tell him that he has rotting teeth, and he doesn't take that very well." She lashed her tail, and Flame conceded that he'd never seen her so angry. "It's so infuriating. They're healers! You'd imagine they'd be more empathetic!"

Ire snorted, cleaning her jaws from some leftover pieces of meat from the meal she'd just grabbed from Ardor's tray. "Even if he wasn't an outsider, dragons are merciless, Ardor. Do you think SkyWing treats me or Flame any better? Our scars are anything but unnoticed here."

"Weird. She's never acknowledged me positively before now. I wonder what's changed. I clearly can't trust her mood swings." Flame thought stubbornly.

Ardor shook her head, "there's a difference between acknowledging and understanding differences and insulting someone because of them," she declared with a resolute squeak.

Rail and Placoid walked in at that moment, and Flame could see the SeaWing looked a lot better. The hybrid seemed to have a way of making others feel heard, apparently. Rail gave him a smile before noticing Ardor's tray. "No way! I didn't know there were skewers in the hall today," he rejoiced, grabbing a few and beginning to eat. Ardor, Placoid, and Flame all joined in.

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