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1. Parallel Universes?
Imagine what would happen if there were parallel universes? What would happen if you met your alternate self?

2. Write a poem to yourself from the perspective of a ghost that haunts your home

3. Sometimes we can't help who we love, even if they do nothing but hurt us. Write about it, whether it be romantic, familial, or friendship. Let's stay away from graphic abuse - think about the psychological side of toxic love.

4. Hook Me
Write the best hook to the beginning of a novel. Must start with the words "As my world burned...". No longer than three sentences.
At least 15 words

Write a seven line non-rhyming free verse meaningful message poem with each line beginning, in order, the letters N, E, W, Y, E, A, and R

6. Write about hands

7. Describe the life of a pen

8. The finish of a sad story, but it ends with a happily ever after.

9. Would you rather be haunted or hunted?

10. Void

11. That which does not kill us makes us stronger."
Your personal authentic experience with this concept..

12. Let you words bend the rules far enough to not break it

13. Pain

14. Write an opening paragraph to a gripping book or novel!

15. Movie relationships based on toxic traits

16. What If You Woke Up Today With Only What You Thanked God For Yesterday

17. What do you carry around on your back all day? Poetry only

18. I miss kissing people. Whatever that means to you

19. Condense your existential experience into a paragraph

20. Is submission an act of weakness or strength?

21. The song that evokes you to go through your memory lane over and over again. A deep memory that was engraved somewhere you couldn't ignore. Either a positive or a negative one. Write about how that song became something so deep to you years later.

22. Are people born evil? Or is it learned? Argue your case.

23. write an angry poem
put all your hatred and frustration into something beautiful

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