11. what doesn't kill you

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"That which does not kill us makes us stronger."
Your personal authentic experience with this concept..

What doesn't kill you...
May leave you knocking Death's door
Praying it opens a fraction more
Enough to climb right in
Desperate for new endings

What doesn't kill you...
May ask you who to kill instead
Not from a list of enemies
But from the choicest of friends
It's sad that you know who you'd pick

What doesn't kill you...
May take you high and off the ledge
Till all that's left of you
Is an unconscious filth soaked shell
For the doctors to pump and shock awake

What doesn't kill you...
May beat you to a bloody pulp
Leaving scars in places we can't see
Keeping you under his thumb
With threats you know he'll follow through

What doesn't kill you...
May leave you dead


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