Traces of a song that stayed

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The song that evokes you to go through your memory lane over and over again. A deep memory that was engraved somewhere you couldn't ignore. Either a positive or a negative one. Write about how that song became something so deep to you years later.

The song was the lock
The rain was the key
So I had to set the scene just right
I was in a hoodie yet cold
Watching the water from the balcony
Then I hit play, watched the time travel
To the many times we'd been here before
You singing about loss I didn't relate to
Me bawling over your words
I could sense your pain, you had  spades
I dropped my spoon to mourn with you
Years went by, songs got old
I lost you till the day I found it
You were there singing the same story
With wracking sobs I cried and cried
Between our last encounter and now
I've amassed spades of pain
I understand your every word like I am hearing for the first time


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