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The clashes between the two iron swords created a deafening noise for those who witnessed the clash, but luckily and unlucky for Y/n, there was no one to admire her as she destroyed her opponent with blades

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The clashes between the two iron swords created a deafening noise for those who witnessed the clash, but luckily and unlucky for Y/n, there was no one to admire her as she destroyed her opponent with blades.

"You said you would go easy on me! I'm still learning how to fight!" said the enemy. Y/n stopped for a moment, lowering their weapon, her unstable breathing was making her head spin, she lowered her head looking to the ground to catch their breath and let her opponent recover too. Then she raised her head, looking him straight in the eyes. An unstable smirk formed on her lips and she caught her breath before speaking.
"I am going easy on you, Archie."

All of a sudden the air around them became heavy, and purple phosphorescent particles began to appear. Ranboo.
A very tall figure appeared. His skin was half white and half black. He wore elegant clothes, after all he was the Queen's advisor.
He fixed his hair, which was slightly disheveled due to the teleportation.

"Hello Ranboo!" Said the two siblings simultaneously. The half-enderman made a small bow to the two, and while he was getting up he started to explain the reason for his sudden interruption of the fight between the two royals.
"Good morning your majesties. Princess Y/n, I see you're again not willing to listen to your mother's request to let go of your interest in fighting." the councilor began, Y/n was about to say something, but Ranboo noticed this and continued to talk. " But that is not why I'm here."

This intrigued the two siblings, who started to pay even more attention to Ranboos words.
"Her majesty the queen has personally asked me to warn you of the arrival of a ball in your castle. So that you, Princess Y/n, meet some noble you may be interested in, to then marry. The queen would have liked to tell you this in person if it weren't for her royal duties."
Now both of the boys where looking at you, Ranboo with hopeful eyes, and Archie was holding back laughter.
"Don't. You. Dare. Laugh. Archie." said Y/n with a very angry and intimidating tone...but unlikely for her, that did never work on her little brother, and he just gave up on holding back his laughter, and he exploded with a wheeze, that seemed very much like a teapot.
Y/n looked at Archie with disapproval and then at Ranboo, she hoped to find comfort in him but she only found him giggling with her brother.
"Not you too." the Princess said to Ranboo, who quickly recomposed his posture, but still having his cheeks full of air for trying to not laugh, he looked very much like a squirrel who's holding food in his mouth, and the thought of that made Y/n giggle, telling herself that she was the funnies person in the Kingdom. People would tell her that she's a little exaggerated, but that's just you she thinks.

Keeping these funny thoughts aside, she concentrated and realized that the counselor hadn't told her when the ball was to be held.
"Ehm ehm...Ranboo, you didn't told us when the ball is going to be held." This question quieted down the boys.
"Oh well, it's going to be just tonight actually!" The two sibling looked at each other and the at Ranboo who became a little flustered at the sudden attention.
"TONIGHT?!" screamed the two.
"Yes, well it was decided over a month ago, but only lo today some Kingdoms accepted the invitation." said the royal adviser. "Kingdoms? I thought you said nobles before! Oh my god I have to get ready!" said the princess in panic.
"I did? Pardon me, I meant some Royals. In fact all of the six Kingdoms are gonna attend at the ball."
This didn't calm down Y/n at all! She never met anyone from other Kingdoms! Hell, the last ball she attended to was ages ago, will she even remember how to dance?
The princess looked at the two boys with eyes wide full of panic in them, she then sprinted to her room leaving both the iron sword and the helmet on the ground of the arena.

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