Equalteral triangle thingy

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You walk back home after that crazy fiasco at the mystery shack. You put your headphones on and walk back home as you see that same golden nugget like thing you saw on the way here... You walk over and try to pick it up as it moves away from you as your super confused now as you try to pick it up again as you near a bush as you look over to see a small ten year old boy that seems to be doing some sort of witch craft sorta thing as you watch him, the entire forest seems to turn black and white as you see some sorta triangle spirit thing come out of the sky. The young boy starts talking to the thing as you start to wonder what the hell is wrong with this, this place as you look around frantically to see if anyone else could see what was happening as you looked back the young child and the triangle thing had made a "deal?" Sorta thing as you sigh and then what seems like waking up. Was it a dream? You think? What the hell? Your mind was going crazy with so many questions you had to go to the people that probably knew about it. Dipper and Mabel. You thought as you sighed and continued walking home and once you did you went straight to bed as for tomorrow you started your new job at the mystery [s]hack.
You got up the next morning and got dressed and headed straight out for the mystery [s]hack and had mind bobbling questions trying to run a mile through your head. You walk and try to calm down then do the cash register then almost tackle dipper and Mabel. "Look you two are the only ones that invited me into gravity falls other then my aunt so you have to know what the hell is going on here?! Right?" You said and started to panic as dipper calmed you down and took both you and Mabel to they're rooms. As dipper started to say "look there's these books about gravity falls they're maybe 4 or 5 but I have the 3rd book and it explains everything strange, paranormal, or problems that go on in gravity falls. No explain to me what you saw" he said as he showed you the book. You sigh and calm down. "Okay last night I was walking the woods and them this like golden nugget thing was there as I tried to grab it then I followed it and it took me to the little boy and like a triangle spirit thingy and then I can't remember what happened next..." You said as you looked at them concerned. Dipper started to flip the pages of the book frantically as you look at them... As dipper says quietly "oh no..." As you say copying him sarcastically "oh no?" "Oh no that's bill cipher... He has no known weakness and should never be summoned at all costs..." Dipped says as you look at the page frantically and start breathing really fast. As dipper and Mabel both tried to calm you down. "What happens now?" You say as dipper continues. "I don't know..." He says as you all look scared out of you mind.
You go back down stairs as you continue to work the cash register and before you knew it your shift was over and you looked at dipper as he quickly looked over at you with Mabel and dragged you over. "Something's wrong with gruntled Stan" he said as you looked questioning as bill went into his mind as you, soos, Mabel, and dipper all looked scared at each other. You all had no clue what to do. What was going to happen to grunkle Stan... [sorry it's short I went to a con yesterday as bill cipher and met a bunch of people and if was supper fun and I met some dippers and Mabel's yea that's what the picture is about]

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