looking at me

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I was out of the hospital wing the next morning. Fred didn't believe me when I told him it was fine and I didn't blame him at all for my fall. He ended up being dragged out of the hospital wing by Madam Pomfrey because he was so adamant to stay with me. Madame Pomfrey said I probably could go to lessons, or the afternoon ones at least, but I didn't have to if I wasn't feeling up to it. Fred visited me in the morning and told me that I had to stay in bed all day and if he saw me in any lessons he'd be very angry.

In the end, I decided to listen to Fred and stay in my dorm and try to sleep.

"You okay, darling?" Fred asked, walking in without knocking.

"I'm good," I replied with a yawn.

"Good. I actually wanted to talk to you about something but I can come back if you're tired," He said, sting on the end of my bed and scratching the back of his neck.

"I'm fine. Whats up?"

"Well, Its just about us, you know? I feel different, suddenly. And everytime you look at me," He paused, making eye contact with me, "It feels, kind of, special. Like we're not just friends."

I didn't know what to say.

"So, um, how'd you feel?"


"I love you, Y/n," He said, panic in his voice.

"Freddie, I love you too."


Fred's knock sounded on the door again, waking me up.

It was a few seconds before I said, "Come in."

"Hey." Fred said and I sat there for a few seconds, processing the dream I just had about the person in front of me. It was a dream, "Did I wake you up?" Fred said, realising.

"Yeah," I replied, wishing I could carry on the dream, "It's okay, though. I'm bored of sleeping," I lied.

"Okay. How's your head?" He asked, coming out of the doorway and sitting on the end of my bed.

"Better. It doesn't really hurt much."


"I'm sad I missed DADA with Moody."

"Oh, nothing happened."

"I know you're lying. I bet it was great. You can tell me, Freddie."

"Really, it wasn't that-" Fred began, looking at the floor, before George interrupted, barging into my dorm.

"It was great. Fred, don't lie to her. How are you, Y/n?"

"Good. I reckon I've made a full recovery."

"Wow. That was quick."

"Yeah, well Madam Pomfrey's magic," I said, knowing how stupid I sound because she quite literally is magic.

"Yeah. What time is it, Y/n?"

I checked my alarm clock next to me, "12:20."

"We should head to lunch then. You coming?" George asked me.

"Yeah," I said and got out of bed. I was still in my joggers and hoodie because I hadn't changed for lessons today.

Fred stood up just a few seconds after me. He came over, facing me. He gently placed one hand on my upper left arm and leaned over my right shoulder to inspect the back of my head which I fell on yesterday. Madame Pomfrey had completely healed it so there wasn't even a scab.

"Good. Slow down the stairs," Fred joked, distancing himself again.

I shouldn't feel like this


"First task is soon, Harry. Nervous?" George joked with Harry across the table whilst we had lunch. Everything was a bit awkward around the other Gryffindors at the moment, because Harry and Ron weren't speaking. I was sitting next to Fred with George opposite me. Harry was next to George with Hermione. Harry didn't say anything in response to this, he just sat there looking sad.

"He is quite nervous," Hermione said, filling the silence.

Ron came over and sat on my other side.

"How's your head, Y/n ?" Ron asked, ignoring everyone else around the table.

"Uhh, pretty good, thanks," I replied, laughing off the tension around the table.

"George, Y/n, have you finished?" Fred said, putting his hands on the table as if he were about to stand up, hinting that we should go asap.

"Yeah, I'm full," George said.

"Me too, bye!" I said, waving at Ron, Hermione and Harry who all looked very uncomfortable.

When we had walked a few metres away Fred whispered in my ear, "Glad we got out of that one."

I giggled and said, "I know right. Fourth year drama," I said rolling my eyes and making Fred laugh.

"Nah, we were never that immature."

"Really? In fourth year you and George tried to poison me as a 'joke' because I wouldn't let you cheat off my test," I reminded him, laughing.

"That's true, but apart from that," He said with a wide smile as we walked out of the hall.


We returned to the common after lunch.

"Are you coming to transfiguration, Y/n?" George asked.

"I might."

"Y/n, Madam Pomfrey said to rest!" Fred said.

"Actually, she said I don't have to skip lessons, Fred."

"Do you hear yourself? When someone says you don't have to go to transfiguration, you don't go."

"Okay, fine. I'll stay here. I just get bored and lonely."

"I have a free now, Y/n, you won't be alone." Fred told me, George looked disappointed.

"Really? I won't go then. What should we do?" I asked, smiling at Fred.

"You're just gonna leave me alone in transfiguration? I see how it is," George said, partially serious but laughing.

"Just don't go. Make some excuse about looking after Y/n," Fred advised.

"Yeah, we all know how much you hate transfiguration."

"I don't know, Mcgonagall won't buy that. And we have that topic test coming up, Y/n," George mentioned.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Maybe I should go, Freddie."

"Okay fine. I'll see you after, yeah?" Fred said, looking deep into my eyes.

"Of course," I said, reluctant to break the eye contact.

"Okay, let's go then," George said, pulling me out of my trance.

I followed behind him out the common room. I could resist the compelling urge to look back at Fred.

I wonder if he's still looking at me

He was.

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