is this okay

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Luckily, the next day I only had two lessons and both were cancelled to practice for the yule ball which was coming up. I wasn't necessarily hungover but I was physically and emotionally drained. I also hadn't faced Fred or George this morning but I was expecting them to be downstairs waiting for me to go to breakfast with them.

"Do you reckon he remembers?" I asked Angelina, who had been filled in on everything that happened last night.

"I mean I don't know how drunk he was. Was he acting drunk?"

"Not really," I said, my voice filled with dread.

"Then he probably remembers. Sorry, Y/n. You know, I can go to breakfast with you if you don't wanna go with them."

"Yeah but they're probably waiting there so I'll have to talk to them anyway. Have you already had breakfast?"

"Yeah. Maybe you should just face it. They might not even bring it up."

"Okay. I'll just go. I mean, I'll have to talk to them eventually." I said.

"Good luck."

I walked down and they were both waiting.

"How's the hangover?" George asked, laughing.

"Not too bad, actually. How bad was I last night?" I said, eager for an answer from Fred.

"You were fine," Fred said, smirking.

"Yeah, you two only held hands," George said and I was instantly relieved. Everything was a bit blurry after a certain point, "Breakfast?"



"Okay, you'll need to get into partners to practice this. Choose somebody to lead the dance and find a space," Mcgonagall instructed me and the rest of Gryffindor.

We were standing in the back. George walked in Angelina's direction leaving only Fred and I. We looked at each other.

"Y/n, may I have this dance?" Fred asked, reaching out a hand.

"Yes, Fred," I replied, taking it and we walked into the centre of the room.

"Now if you are person leading please take your partners waist," Mcgonagall said, "And if you aren't, place your hand on their shoulder."

I put my hand on his muscular shoulder before Fred's gentle hand found a space on my waist. The contact made my breath hitch. He noticed.

"Is this okay?" He asked seriously. His face was so close to mine that I could feel his words vibrate through my skin.

"Yeah, it's fine."

His hand roamed and ended up on my lower back, his fingers managed to find a gap between my skirt and shirt where my skin was bare, and covered in goosebumps. He used his hand to pull me a little closer. I followed his actions and shifted my hand from his shoulder to the back of his neck. I tried to ignore the butterflies but it was completely impossible. Our bodies were touching almost everywhere possible. Both his thumbs moved up and down against my skin, one on my back and one on my own thumb.

His touch is so delicate, I thought.

The music turned on and we started to dance, copying McGonagall and Ron's demonstration.

Fred managed to be dominant but gentle all together, moving me to the places I needed to be but with such intense care, as if I was the most important thing in the world to him.


Over the next few hours, I managed to convince myself that all Fred's brushes over my skin were subconscious on his part. I didn't know if it was true but it was the only thing on my mind.

In my dorm, Angelina and Alicia were discussing their yule ball plans.

"Lee asked me," Alicia mentioned.

"And?" said Angelina.

"I said yes."

"Aw. I'm happy for you!" I added to the conversation.

"Thanks. But I can't figure out if he has real feelings for me."

"I'm sure he does. Y/n, who are you going with?"

"No one yet. I'm hoping Fred will ask me, as friends," Or as more, "How about you, Angelina?"

"George was hinting that he might ask me today. I hope he does."

"Aw, that's nice," I said, I'm definitely going to ask him about that later, I thought.


Before dinner, I went to Fred, George and Lee's dorm, but only the twins were there.

"So." I said, sitting on George's bed, "Angelina," I winked.

"Yep. She's definitely a candidate for yule ball date," He said with a smirk.

"Who else is up there?"

"Well I can't disclose that information, Darling." He said. Fred turned towards us upon hearing that word. Darling.

"Well she wants to go with you."


"Yeah, I asked her earlier. She's really hoping you'll ask," I'm really hoping he'll ask her.

"Okay, thanks for the tip. I'll ask later," George said, making me smile.

I wish Fred would hurry up and ask me.

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