on his mind

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"Finally! What's your dress like?" Was Angelina's reaction when I told her that Fred asked me to the ball. It wasn't anything special but I was relieved to be going with someone, and dancing with Fred was an experience I would repeat very willingly.

"I don't actually remember that well," We had to bring formal clothes to Hogwarts this year, and my dress had been neglected in the back of my wardrobe since September, "It was definitely red satin, I think backless, if I remember right."

"That sounds so sexy, Y/n."

"Whats yours like?"

"It's light green and lacy," She said with a big smile.

"That's so nice. I need to try mine on again and see if I still like it."

"Me too. I really want to see yours on aswell. I'll get mine out now."

We both found our dresses. Angelina's was even more beautiful than I could imagine. We both got changed into them and I suddenly remembered why I picked mine in the first place. It fit me like a glove and enhanced my figure beautifully. I could say the exact same about Angelina's dress too.

We stood side by side in front of the full length mirror in our dorm.

"Fuck, you look hot Angelina," I said truthfully.

"You look so fit aswell, Y/n," She said, laughing.

Half a second later, the door swang open and Alicia was revealed. She let out an excited squeal upon seeing us trying our dresses. She quickly grabbed her baby blue gown which had some sheer fabric decorations.

She shouted, "Wait for me!" from the bathroom as she swiftly slipped into her dress.

"Oh my god that's so pretty, Alicia!" Angelina said, to which I agreed, when the bathroom door slowly opened, unleashing Alicia in her full princess gown glory.


Now we all stood in front of the mirror and took a polaroid photo with Angelina's camera. Angelina was a keen muggle studies student so she collected lots of muggle things, one of them being polaroid cameras. We put the picture up on our photo wall with our other memories from the past couple of years.


In the common room, at around 9pm, I was helping Ron and Harry with their transfiguration prep. They needed my assistance desperately, I didn't know if they just weren't very bright, or they were too busy to study because they always seemed to be doing other heroic things like battling the dark lord or slaying basilisks.

"I'm sorry. I just don't get it!" Ron said, throwing his pen down in a strop and placing his head in his hands to massage his temples with his fingertips.

"Keep trying. You can do it, Ron, Just read it again," I said, using my best encouraging tone.

"It's giving me a headache! Can we have a break please, Y/n?" He begged, we had been working on this homework piece for almost 20 minutes straight. I thought, since they're almost done, they deserved a quick break.

"Yeah sure, whatever," I gave in.

"Thanks. Harry did you hear what Snape said to Neville earlier in potions?" Ron said, immediately jumping into a conversation which seemed interesting to him. It wasn't so interesting for me so I drifted into my own world for a few minutes.

"Oh, by the way, Y/n," Ron began, taking me back to reality, "I heard Fred asked you out."

"He didn't ask me out, Ron. We're just going to the ball together, as friends."

"Yeah, whatever you say. I think he's got a bit more than friendship on his mind," Ron joked with a smirk, earning a chuckle from Harry.

"I'm not talking about this with you, Ron. Break's over. Okay question 5, describe the proper wand movements and spell to change an item of clothing into an amphibian."

"This is pointless. Who would need to do that?"

"You'd need to do it, Ron, in your OWLS next year. It's in the textbook in the chapter relating textiles to animals."

"'A punchy glide'," he read from the book, with a look of confusion and disgust on his face, "What on earth does that mean? How does one move a wand in a punchy glide?" Questions like these of Ron's kept coming for the next ten minutes, until we finally reached the end of the questions McGonagall had set for them.

"Finally," Harry said, exhaling heavily whilst shutting his heavy textbook, "Thanks, Y/n."

"Yeah, thanks."

"You're welcome," I said, thinking to myself, I'm never doing that again, and smiling to myself.

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