a married couple

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Tuesday afternoons at Hogwarts had begin to mean only one thing for me. That thing was tutoring Harry and Ron, because Hermione had offered but Ron couldn't stand her constantly being smarter than him, and vetoed the idea.

"So, transfiguration," I smiled, dumping my fourth year transfiguration book, which I had retrieved from the depths of my wardrobe, onto the  circular table which sat on the outskirts of the Gryffindor common room, "Got a test coming up?"

"Yeah," Ron sighed, "It's a week today."

"Unfortunately," Harry added.

"On what?" I asked.

"It's on transfiguration of foods."

"Yes pear to a pie, cranberry to a watermelon, so on."

"Oh, yes. I remember that topic. Do you guys have any questions before we start?" I questioned, only to be met by silence, "Okay, perfect," I skimmed the book for the beginning of their topic and then located the practice questions, "Let's start at question 1 on page 238," They nodded and flipped to the chosen page, "These will be the type of questions that will come up on your paper. If there's any particular topic you're not getting we'll go back to that," They both approved, "Question 1: Discuss the risks associated with turning a lamb chop to goat's cheese?"

"The mint flavour can appear in the goats cheese, of course," muttered a deep voice behind me. I turned to see Fred being hit by a flying pencil.

"Hey! I was about to say that," Ron shouted after launching his writing tool.

"Well done, Ron," I said.

"Yeah, well the greedy pig would know this topic well wouldn't he," Fred said, this time dodging the pencil which he anticipated to fly through the air.

"Shush, Fred. I'm trying to help them. If you want to help please sit, but if not-" Fred pulled up a chair.

"Okay, Harry. Can you do question 2?"

"Yes. The motion is a downward semi circle to the right with the wand."

"Well done. Ron, question 3?"

"No clue," Ron replied, scratching his head.

"Okay well-" I was interrupted by poking from Fred on my right arm, "What."

"I'm so bored," Fred replied monotonously.

"I told you, you can only sit here if you help and distracting is not helping."

"Y/n, there is nothing to do. Can you just come hang out with me. We can get food, go on a walk. We could watch a film and do those face masks you use all the time!" He said with a sudden burst of excitement.

"No, Fred. I've already told you-"

"God, you two bicker like a married couple," Ron said, sighing probably due to relief of having a break from transfiguration.

"Obviously. We're best friends," I replied.

"Yeah," Fred said quietly, which was quickly followed by Ron and Harrys' light laughter, "What's wrong with you two?"

"It's just," Ron began, "I've never seen Fred not get the girl he's interested in," his attempt at winding us up.

"Shut it, Ron," Fred said, launching both pencils back, one at a time, and hitting Ron in the middle of the forehead both times, "We both know I could get Y/n if I wanted."

"You shut it," I said, "What are you grinning at, Harry?"

"Nothing. You two are cuter than most couples I see and you're not even together," Harry said, "Apparently."

"Yeah, we are cute. Aren't we, Y/n?" Fred teased, extending his arm and resting it on the back of my chair.

"Yeah, we're great but we can't get distracted. They have an exam. I'll be done in a bit and we can go get dinner together."

"Can't believe you're choosing these doofuses over me," he laughed.

"Give me a call when you want to be tutored and I'll listen."

"You know that's never happening."

"Okay, question 3? Y/n?" Ron pestered.

"Oh my God, Ron. I've broken you!" Fred mocked.

"No, he's right. You need to shut up, Fred."

"Okay fine," Fred gave in, reluctantly.

"So for question 3, Ron, just remember that honey will make any transfiguration run smoother-"  My train of thought halted when I felt Fred's hand rest on mine, slowly releasing the full weight of his hand on mine, intertwining his fingers between. I glanced at Fred who was unable to hide the smirk which appeared on his face, as he had one arm around me and one hand on mine. I composed my thoughts before continuing, "So you can add it to the food and your spell will be much more likely to work."

"Okay cool," Ron said, while taking notes. Fred's handspan was larger than mine and his fingers stretched past mine, sitting their tips on my thigh. "So are yous excited for the ball?"

"Very excited," Fred said, retrieving his hand, leaving me feeling empty.

"Yeah we're gonna get so smashed together. I can't wait," I said.

"Me neither, Princess," Fred smiled.

princess (fred weasley)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang