Chapter 1

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Mark's POV
I was just playing Trouble in Terrorist Town with Bob, Wade, Minx, and Ken. "No no I'm not the terrorist!" Bob yelled into the mic. "It's him, get him!" Minx shouted afterwards. I laughed as Bob's avatar was killed and the game said, 'Minx killed an innocent bystander.' "I told you, I wasn't the traitor!" Bob whined. Me and Wade were cracking up. They didn't know that I was the traitor. I was playing it cool until I got Ken, Wade and Minx into the same room with me. "Okay. I have an idea. Whoever is the traitor raise your hand!" Ken said. I threw a grenade and ran. The grenade blew, then the game said, 'Traitors win.' "That was Trouble in Terrorist Town with CinnamonToastKen, MangaMinx, Muyskerm, and Lordminion777. And I will see YOU.. In the next video... BUH-BYE!!" I ended the video with my original outro and one last smile to the camera. I got out of my desk chair and stretched. That was at least thirty minutes of footage. I decided to edit later. I went down the spiral staircase and headed for the door. It was a nice day so why not get some fresh air after being cooped up in here all morning? I opened the door and stepped outside. There was a thin layer of clouds in the sky. A light grey-blue color. I sighed inwards, taking in the scents of the oncoming winter season. Trees losing the last of their leaves, cool air drifting by, and the preparation of snow next weekend. It was rather warm today so I didn't need much of a coat. I took a light jacket. I turned and locked the door, then walked down the sidewalk. I reached Game Stop and went in. "Hi Cherryl." I said to the lady at the cash register. I was here almost daily so we were good friends. "Hi Mark. How's life?" I shrugged while looking at my feet and tipping back onto my heels. "Fine. Just played some TITT." Cherryl smiled. "Who with?" She asked. "Bob, Wade, Minx, and Ken." I replied. Cherryl nodded. "You've got a good bunch of friends there. Wish I had the same." Her voice had a hint of loneliness to it. "Aw come on Cherryl. Just ask one of your friends to play a game with you, that's really all that's to it." She shrugged. "But most of the friends I have aren't much gamers.." I stared at my feet. "Oh.. Well.." My phone buzzed. I took it out of my pocket and read the text that had arrived. "Hey Mark. You coming or did you forget. You were supposed to pick me up from the airport." I face palmed. "Crap.." I said. "What?" Cherryl asked. "I forgot to wait for Jack at the airport.." Cherryl chuckled. "What are you standing around here for? Go on." She shooed me away like I was a fly or dog. I shrugged and headed out the door. I heard someone gasp and jump back. "Oh I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking.." I apologized, hoping they would be nice. "Oh.. It's okay.." She said while kicking the sidewalk. It began to drizzle. She looked about twelve or thirteen. "Uhm.. I'm Astrid.. Nice to meet you.. uh.." I smiled. "Mark. My name's Mark." I held out a hand. She took it and we shook hands. "Uhm.. I've got to go.. So uhm.. See you around." I turned towards my apartment. I had to get my car. As I walked away from the girl, I could feel her gaze bruning into the back of my head. Something about her was strange..
I was walking back into my apartment. The drive to Jack's hotel was a long one, and I'm exhausted. I unlocked the door and stepped inside. I practically slammed the door behind me. I tossed my jacket onto the coat rack, and flopped down onto the couch. Just then I thought about the girl I met this afternoon. Astrid, was it? Her name must be foreign or something. I thought. It was cool though. I sat up and grabbed the T.V remote. The news was on so just for the heck of it, I switched to the news. Right when the screen showed an image of a burning house, I thought of the plume of smoke I saw rising above the horizon on the way home. "That must've been it." I muttered. Then I heard a familiar voice responding to a question. "I-I don't know h-how it started.. I was walking h-home from school.." That was Astrid. I watched on as the news didn't stop the story of the burned down house. I turned the T.V off. I didn't want to hear Astrid being in pain and sorrow. About fifteen minutes later I heard footsteps coming from outside my door. They went to the empty apartment next to mine and opened the door. "This will be your home for now miss Greene." I heard a voice say. It was a bit muffled from the wall. "T-thank you." "It's just temporary. Once we find your parents, we'll let you know." "Alright. I can't thank you enough." "It's my job." I heard footsteps fading away. So I have a new neighbor hm? I got off the couch and stepped towards the door. I opened it and stepped to the door to the left of mine. I took a deep breath, then I knocked. The girl opened the door. "Mark?" I looked at the very familiar face. "Astrid?! I uhm.." "I didn't know you lived here." She said calmly. "I.. I saw what happened on the news and I'm terribly sorry that happened.." I spilled, barely thinking about my words. "Thank you for your kindness.. Uhm.. Mark.. Please don't take this as being rude, but you can't be around me. Not now.." She said, a hint of worry in her voice. "What? Why?" I asked. Astrid glanced over her shoulder. "Go. Go away now. And remember, I'm not being rude." She backed into her apartment and closed the door. I heard a little click, as if she had locked it. I sighed. "Now you've done it.." I told myself. I went back into my apartment and sat back on the couch. Though I didn't turn on the T.V. I just thought. What could she be hiding? Why did she look so scared? Just then the drizzle that had been going on for a long time, turned into a downpour. I sighed and turned on the weather. "Just great.." I mumbled as I learned that severe weather was forecasted for tomorrow. "OH CRAP!" I heard Astrid yell from behind the wall, followed by a crash. "Dammit.. I'll need a new monitor.." She said. I chuckled.
I woke to thunder booming outside. Unfortunately, I fell asleep on the couch. The downpour was still in vein. I looked out the window. Then I jumped back in terror at what I saw. The clouds were nearly black with red streaks involved in them. "What the hell is happening?" I nearly yelled. I heard running footsteps outside my door. I looked out the window to see Astrid running outside. I opened the door. "Astrid what are you doing?" I called to her. She stopped and turned to look at me. "Whatever you do, do NOT follow me. If you do, you put yourself in danger. Don't worry about me Mark." She gave a slight smile, then started running down the street again. I stood there, thinking. She's hiding something, no question about that..

Hey guys! Sorry for the sucky beginning, but I think I'm actually going to keep this story. And if you don't like it stop reading it. Just tell me what you think, people who like it, and I'll keep writing. Thank yous!!!!!

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