Chapter 5

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Astrid's POV
Mark had fallen asleep on my shoulder. He's so cute when he's asleep.. No! He's 25 and I'm 13.. We can't be in a relationship.. And even if we somehow managed to get together, it would mean more trouble for Mark.. I don't want to see Tyra ever again.. Just then I fell asleep. Darkness overtook me. I was just.. There.. "So Astrid.. Found me another one have you?.." Said the familiar voice. "Leave me alone.." I told him. "How can I when I'm stuck with you? Don't you remember? Your past life was when we first met. Don't you remember seeing his pain? You sold your soul to me so you could see your brother again. I let you see him. From the previous night that is. Don't you remember your foolishness?" I crossed my arms. "I'd rather not remember.." I said. Then I felt Tyra's hands on my shoulders. His cold touch sent shivers down my spine. He leaned down next to my ear and whispered the simple words. "You watched your brother die in front of you.." I felt a tear well up in my eyes. I quickly shut my eyes, preventing them from shedding a tear. "You see? I know where your weaknesses are.. Mark is one of them." I jerked awake. Mark wasn't on my shoulder anymore. I heard a sizzling noise from the kitchen. The scent of bacon filled my nostrils. "BACON." I said loudly. "Look who's finally awake." Mark said while peeking his head through the kitchen doorway. I smiled and got off the couch. Mark handed me a plateful of bacon. "Geez, how much did you make?" I asked him. He shrugged. "A lot." He replied. Suddenly I realized something. "Snoopy much?!" I asked. He smiled nervously. "What, I was hungry!" He replied. I smiled. "Couldn't you have gone to YOUR apartment right next door?" I asked. He shrugged. "Didn't feel like walking all the way over there." He said. I smiled. "Yeah whatever ya big goof." I went back to the couch and ate my bacon. I felt a lump in my back pocket. Not my phone.. Smaller than that. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the folded up piece of paper. I unfolded it and looked at the slightly smudged drawing. It looked a lot like Mark.. I read the words at the bottom. "Markiplier. My hero." I looked at Mark. Markiplier. The YouTuber..

I remember now. All the things Tyra made me forget.. Markiplier, how the fire started, how we became enemies in this life. "I remember.." I muttered. "Remember what?" Marks voice suddenly sounded in my ear. I jumped, because I didn't hear him coming. "Mark! Uh.. How long have you been sitting there?" I said in a shaky voice. "I don't know, a few minutes? You became really quiet after looking at a drawing of.. Markiplier.. So I wondered what was up." I looked at him. "You're Markiplier. Are you denying it to me?" Mark sat back and rubbed the back of his head. "The thing is.. I.. Well.. I can't explain it right now. You'll find out sooner or later.. I've gotta go make some videos.." He got up and walked to the door. "See you around.." He said as he left. I sat there with the plate of bacon in my lap. Staring at the door. What was that all about? "That.. My dear, is part of my plan in action. You thought you knew what my plan was by taking Mark away from you for a while. Well you were wrong. He's slowly burning from the inside out. He will no longer be able to control what he has. He will no longer be able to see the world through his own eyes. But very different ones. The eyes of my brother. Dorchadas."

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