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Okay so I got home from school already sad af. My self Ed class had talked about positive relationships and friendships. We had to put our Family memebers, friends, teachers and acquaintances. Negative and positive people that we are around everyday.
For my family I put Dad Mom Lyndie(step mom) Robby(step dad) grandma T, Grandma C, Grandpa P, Grandpa C, aunt and my cousin.
We had to circle which ones were the most positive. I circled my mom step dad, cousin and step mom.
Me and my dad don't have as much of a positive nor negative relationship. My one grandma called me disrespectful and a little brat which is stupid bc I did nothing to her I just don't wanna hear her judging other people.

For my friends I had put down my closet friends which it ended up being like 3 people. Including who I thought WAS my best friend. I instantly regretted that after I had left my class. As I was walking with one of my friends (Angie) my one friend who I thought was my friend got mad at me. Bc they had problems before. Ig she didn't wanna me to hang out with Angie

Tbh I thought this was hella unfair so I told her ab it and she said that Angie had stole her gf when she really didn't. I was already fed up and she had made me more mad so I decided to tell her how I felt and she got even more mad at me. Soooo I told her I couldn't be her friend if I couldn't be Angie's bc I should be able to be friends with whoever. Now I we are not friends and she is extremely mad at me when I should be the one who is mad

A/N thank you for hearing my whole venting it felt really good to type this all up actually~Your Local Emo

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