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Today I went to my step moms moms house in Ohio and im stuck here for the whole weekend:/ Its so boring here and I didn't even have time to grab my laptop. My dad is  always in a shitty mood when we come here.

Friday was terrible bc my ex best friend is now texting me one friend stupid things that aren't even true. I don't understand what I did to deserve this when its her fault.

Sometimes I question why I am such an issue for people. Why I bother them. Why am I such a problem. People tell me to be myself then judge me. The person you least expect it from judges you. Then your whole self esteem that was some what average go's all the way back down.

Immediately your back in a dark hole trying to climb out but you can't. You fear that you won't make it if everyone hates you. You fear wont even be able to make it through life on your own

It sucks terribly

A/N thanks for reading me rant on and on about my life~Just another emo🖤

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