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Sooooo today my mom said that she is going to text my dad about me wanting to move in with her. She already texted him but he hasn't replied to her or anything, he also hasn't said anything to me or my step mom either. He is either trying to act like he didn't get a text or he didn't actually get anything. I just don't know how he us going to react, it could b positive or negative. But other than that my best friend Gavin had told me what had actually happen and we are talking again which I am very happy about. If I considered someone my best friend then that's a lot. I guess he was a special friend to me, but we had stopped talking for a little bit and I asked him why and explained everything. He told me he was just having some problems with things, which I understood how it felt to be having problems. It hurt me a lot when we weren't talking but I had wrote him a note today and he came over to me and talked to me.

I had wrote him a note explaining how much I valued our friendship and how much he meant to me as a friend. I had also told him that I was going to be moving to my mom's house soon. I could tell that he looked shocked because I was watching him read it. I got distracted and then he comes up to me out of nowhere and said "I'm sorry about everything that had happened, I didn't know you were going to your mom's either. Also Jacob can lie a lot sometimes." (I had heard a lot of stuff from one kid we knew his name is Jacob) I just smiled at him and said it's okay.

I'm really happy about that and I guess people can tell but beyond that I'm still worried about what my dad is gonna say if he even says anything about me wanting to move. I don't know how he is going to take it and my step mom and my dad are not married I just call her my step mom because it's easier for me, but she said that once I leave she's gone too. She has put up with his shit for way to long too. It is a toxic relationship and she has only stayed for me not him. He has had a lot of time to try and change but he never does so she gave up on even trying. I am going to keep up and stuff with her still and she is going to move in with her mom to take care of her in Ohio.

I'm pretty sure I will still visit her though and I will be at my moms so everything should be good.

Anyways thank you for reading me rant on and on lolz! Have a great day/night:)

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