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with a groan ein woke up due to the sun shining in his face. wiping the drool off the side of the side off his face he was slightly confused about where he was and how he got in this bed. thats when he decided to take a sniff of the air.

'oh ryder must've brought me here.... wait that means....' ein thought slightly trailing off in his mind.

"we're in starlight!" he said slightly suprised due to the fact his voice was clear and shouting didnt hurt.

'it's best if i dont push myself just incase' he thought as he got up and went to take a shower.


 after the shower


once he got out the shower and was dressed he decided to go check out the resort home they were staying at. so far they had a total of two kitchens and living rooms, five bedrooms and showers, one suana, one pool, and one hot tub.

"well look who's up" said a voice from behind him.

"morning jax" he said with a smile.

 "morning little bro" jax said returning the smile.

"can you go wake up ryder while i make some breakfast? he's staying in the room with the purple door" asked jax.

"sure thing big bro" said ein as he ran to go wake up his other brother.

while walking up the strairs he tripped and just as he was about to hit the floor a pair of strong arms caught him.

"easy there pup" said ryder as he helped ein up.

"what had you running up the steps like that?" he asked.

"jax is making food" ein said exitedly put made sure to be as gentle as he could. he didn't want to have to be mute the rest of the day afterall.

with a jump ryder picked ein up bridal style "well what are we waiting for pup" said ryder as he began running down the steps.

"now where's that food!" said ryder as jax just got done cooking.

"right here, and if you'll put ein down you can have some" said jax as he was putting the food on the plates.

hearing this ryder and ein chose seats in the living room and were bouncing with excitment as jax brought out the food. once the food was sat down they both immediatly(?) began to eat.

"hey why does ein have more then us" ryder complained with a fork in his mouth.

"because as short and small as our dear little brother is he seems to eat way more then us" said jax as ein payed them no attention and was still chowing down.


time skip brought to you by ryder getting caught by ein trying to steal his food


"so what do you all want to do today" said jax as he got done washing dishes.

"hmm i have not decide pup" said ryder as ein was playing a game on his phone.

"h-huh why me" ein stuttered.

"why not? after all you make the best decisions" said a smiling ryder.

"well it's settled ein you pick" jax said handing ein a pamphlet.

after looking through it ein had decided.

"let's go to the beack" ein said with a smile.

"to the beach we go then, you two go change into swim suits" said jax who was conviently already in his swim trunks.


word count: 546


sorry this came a bit late my birthday was yesterday. hennyways the fated meeting of ein and aaron will happen next chapter.

also like for a calm playlist on spotify go to

or 'calm vibes' playlist by clover

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