Chapter 11: Duel Of Fate

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Arena Stands: Underworld


Watching down bellow in the stands we find Y/N along with Rias and the other members of the occult research club. Right now all of them and the other members in the audience are currently waiting for the start of the duel between Issei and Riser for the fate of Rias and thanks to Sirzechs now Y/N as well. Rias and the others were nervous, they were hoping that Issei would come out on top and defeat Riser. The other devils in the audience were thinking that Issei was foolish and was going to die quickly. Y/N on the otherhand was thinking something else entirely different, she wanted to get her hands on Sirzechs and kill him for making her prize for Riser if he won.

"You okay Y/N?" Rias asked Y/N putting her hand on her shoulder

"No, I'm not okay, I want to kill your brother" Y/N answered angered

"I understand, please try to stop yourself from doing that" Rias asked Y/N

"I'm trying not to but seeing everything play out is making that kind of hard" Y/N said clenching her fist

"I know my brother wouldn't agree to that if he didn't think there was a possibility for Issei to win" Rias said trying to reassure Y/N

"I don't want to come off as rude Rias but your brother is schemer, he plans things out and makes sure they benefit him and before you ask me, Seiryu has shown me the memories of his previous users, Sirzechs and his father tried to stop him from reincarnating and being inherited to a new user" Y/N said telling Rias about her brother and father

"I didn't know that" Rias said stunned

"There's a lot you don't know, now our fate is in the hands of Issei" Y/N said in a serious tone

"I'm worried about Issei and what's going to happen" Rias said

"Riser isn't going to play fair by any means, Issei has his work cut out for him" Y/N said

"He has to win, he just has to" Rias said

Y/N put her hand on Rias's shoulder and tried her best to comfort her

"Keep your faith Rias, remember this, Issei is fighting for you, he won't quit until your safe" Y/N told Rias

"Don't forget he's fighting for you too" Rias said

"Don't remind me" Y/N said with an irritated sigh

"Let's go and take our seats, the duel is about to begin" Rias said

"I'll be right there" Y/N said as Rias walked off to the seats


"What do we do if the pervert does end up losing?" Seiryu asked me

"We save Rias and the others and kill any devils that get in our way" I answered

"You know it is a crime to break an agreement like this in the underworld" Seiryu said

"Does it look like I care? Besides, Sirzechs agreed to me being a prize, I didn't and if that bastard Riser thinks he can have me, he's got another thing coming" I replied

"I will stand by you no matter your decision, just know that if that outcome does happen you will be facing every noble devil family in the underworld" Seiryu said warning me of what could happen

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