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"Thanks again Aizawa! Also, whatever your second job is, good luck with that!" Tokage yelled out through the door of the tattoo shop as both she and Izuku walk out together.

"Yeah yeah, come back whenever." Aizawa yelled back as the door behind the closed. After that, Tokage looked back over to Izuku who was currently adjusting his shoulder a bit.

"Feels a bit off, doesn't it?" Tokage asked as Izuku nodded.

"Sure does. It's like I've grown a extra layer of skin." Izuku said as he finally relaxed his shoulder.

"Yeah, it'll feel like that for awhile. But that feeling will fade away once you get used to it being there. It'll feel like you never got a tattoo to begin with. Anyways, what do you got planned for today?" Tokage asked as Izuku gave her a confused look. Not that he had anything planned today, he still wondered why she would ask.

"Um, not really anything actually. Why do you ask?" Izuku questioned as Tokage smiled.

"Nice. Well, let's go." Tokage said without any other explanation as she spun around and began walking down the street. Confused at first, Izuku quickly caught up with her so that he wouldn't just look like a random kid standing all by himself. Not that he was basically that even before he walked into the tattoo shop.

"Where are we going?" Izuku asked as Tokage shrugged.

"Don't know. Just gonna explore for a bit, y'know?" Tokage said as she continued to walk as Izuku looked at her a bit confused. But even so, he chuckled at her laid back attitude.

"So Midoriya, how old are you? Judging you look around the same age as I do, I'm assuming your still in highschool?" Tokage asked as she looked back at Izuku.

"Yeah, that right. I'm 15, guessing you're the same age?" Izuku questioned as Tokage nodded.

"Bingo. Anyways, it's kinda rare to see someone around my age and still being in highschool getting a tattoo. You must be a real killer at your school, am I right?" Tokage questioned as Izuku stopped for a moment as he thought about the beginning of his day. His highschool, Bakugo and his notebook. Not to say it's anything out of the ordinary for his every day life, well, as ordinary as you can get. Shaking his head, Izuku continued alongside Tokage.

"Nah, I'm not really that liked at my school. You'd be more surprised how many people forget who I am on the daily, teachers included." Izuku said as Tokage looked his way.

"Damn, sounds kinda shitty. Eh, let's move away from that for now. So, what's your quirk Mr. Mystery?" Tokage asked as Izuku chuckled at her question.

"You really keep hitting the nail on the head, don't you?" Izuku questioned as Tokage gave him a confused look.

"What'd you mean?" Tokage questioned as Izuku sighed.

"Sorry, but you're looking at a quirkless loser." Izuku said as Tokage gave her a shocked look. She stopped walking as Izuku looked back at her. She stood there looking at him for a moment as Izuku sighed.

'Lets guess shall we... Ew, I didn't know you were useles-'

"Ah shit man, I didn't know. Sorry about that, I didn't mean to make you feel down or anything. Stupid Setsuna." Tokage said as Izuku watched her playfully hit herself upside her head. Izuku stood in shock for a few moments as he watched her look at him with... Sympathy? Like she actually felt sorry for bringing up something everyone else would make fun of him about. Now this left Izuku confused to the limit.

"Wait wait wait wait wait... You're ok with that?" Izuku questioned as Tokage now began looking at him confused. As if he was now the one that seemed to be saying the weird things.

"Um, yeah? I mean, it's not like you're able to control that, so of course I'm ok with it. Either way, you're a pretty chill guy, quirk or no quirk." Tokage said as she walked up next to him as she gave him a smile. Izuku looked at her, examined her, hell even questioned if she was actually standing in front of him. For the first time in his life, other then his own mother, no one else has ever accepted him as quirkless.

"You alright, Midoriya? As much as I appreciate it, you're staring a bit too much." Tokage said as she waved her hand in front of his face as he finally came back to earth.

"Huh, yeah, sorry. I was just checking if you're actually standing in front of me right now." Izuku said as Tokage chuckled at that as she quickly wrapped her arm around his neck.

"Does that answer your speculation?" Tokage asked as Izuku chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah, I guess that does." Izuku said as Tokage let him go and began walking again.

"Good, now let's go. I wanna walk around for a bit longer and get to know you more." Tokage said as Izuku smiled and walked up next to her. For the rest of the day, the tow walked around town as they talked, laughed and even had fun at some parks they had just so happened to walk by. By the end of it, it became dark outside as the street lights began to turn on and the crowd of people became, well, less crowded.

"Well, I should probably head back home before my parents start to think I'm doing something illegal." Tokage said as Izuku chuckled.

"Well, you basically did with those tattoos of yours." Izuku said as Tokage just laughed.

"Ha! Look who's talking. Anyways, I really should get going. Make sure to text me, we should hang out again. We also got to stay in contact cause I want to be the first person to see that tattoo of yours fully healed." Tokage said as Izuku nodded.

"Sure, I.... I would like to hang out more as well." Izuku said as Tokage gave him a smile before she said one last goodbye as she turned around from where she was and ran off. Not before turning around and waving one last time before she disappeared into the dark street.

Now, Izuku was all by himself as he also turned around and began walking back to his home. The dark sky above him, the sound of his foot steps, the multiple vibration coming from his pocket, the night breeze.... Wait.

Finally realizing the buzzing that had been going on for over hours on in, Izuku reached into his pocket as he pulled out his phone and looked at the screen.

"57 missed calls from Mom."

"Well shit..." Izuku said as he unlocked his phone and clicked on the call button as he placed the phone to his ear. Within seconds, the phone was answered.


"IZUKU OH MY GOD YOU FINALLY PICKED UP!! YOU GOT ME SO WORRIED WHEN YOU DIDN'T COME HOME FROM SCHOOL IN THOUGHT SOMETHING BAD HAD HAPPENED TO YOU! ARE YOU HURT!? ARE YOU LOST!? AAAAH!! MY BABY IS HURT IN KNEW IT!!" The sounds of a extremely worried mother had began to yell from his phone causing him to pull his phone as far as he could from his ear. Though it didn't help as he could hear her loud and clear. Finally putting the phone back to his ear, Izuku spoke.

"Mom, calm down. I'm not hurt or lost or any of that." Izuku said as he could hear his mother calm down, but not by a lot.

"Then where are you!? I thought you got hurt or something! Where are you, what happened!?" She said as Izuku was about to answer, but stopped as he remembered a long, green, curly haired girl that he had just seen only moments ago. Smiling, a real genuine smile, Izuku spoke to his worried to death mother.

"I... I made a new friend."

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