Chapter 3

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Tw: Mentions of abuse

Folding her arms across her chest, Nat perched herself on the metal railing that encircled Avengers Academy, disregarding the wooden bench two meters to her left. ''I just don't understand,'' she began, slowly, ''what you want me to do, Clint. If you like Wanda, why don't you just go talk to- ''

She broke off as Clint made a choking noise. ''Wanda? What gave you that idea?''

Nat frowned. ''You said they were straightforward and protective, so I just assumed- Oh... OH- '' Clint's face reddened as Nat grinned down at him for all the wrong reasons. ''You like Pietro, don't you?'' She leant forward. ''You do.''

Looking delighted with this new knowledge, Nat drew backwards and studied Clint, eyes looking up and down his physique. ''Well,'' she said at last. ''I think he likes you too.''

He flushed. ''What makes you say that?'' Nat unfolded her arms and instead gripped the pole she was sitting on, swinging her legs. She wasn't about to tell him that Pietro had come up and asked her if she and Clint were dating the day before.

''Oh, you know. The stares. The blushing. The adjustments he makes to his hair when you're not looking.''

''He doesn't blush when I look at him." Clint said firmly, glaring at Nat. Her smile widened.

''Oh. He doesn't. I just thought it'd be funny to- ''

But Nat never got to finish the rest of her sentence, for Clint had lunged at her and knocked her backwards off the pole, where they landed, laughing and giggling, in a tangled heap on the ground. They stayed like that for a few moments, before Nat, gently disentangling herself from Clint, righted herself and laid herself down on her back on the grass. To anyone else, it would have looked romantic, a couple holding hands on the ground and watching the clouds, but to Nat, it was just her and Clint. No attraction, no intimacy, just her and Clint.


Walking along the pathway to Avengers Academy wasn't something Tony did very often. Small oak trees stood in symmetrical lines on either side of the walkway, dewdrops glistening on their leaves as the sunlight hit them. Small white and pink buds peeked out from various bushes, waving in the slight breeze. The cobblestones Fury had specifically ordered to be installed on the path to school clicked under Tony's boots as he walked.

He normally let Happy, his adult friend and personal chauffeur drive him to school, which often resulted in stares and curious looks every time he pulled up in front of the gates.

Walking was more peaceful, in a way. Nobody would recognise him if he actually walked to school, and perhaps peace was actually what he needed. That, and Bucky. 

Oh, god. Bucky Barnes.

Even though nobody was watching him, Tony raised his hands to his face to hide his glowing cheeks. His heart pounded in his chest, afraid. Bucky.

Tony had known all along that it would never work. He'd been horrible enough to him that he knew Bucky hated him. And perhaps that was what he had been aiming for. They could never be friends- not after what he did. Better Bucky never know what he really felt for him than know, and drift into becoming friends. Bucky was kind. He had tolerated weeks of Tony's bullshit and social isolation. He would forgive Tony, eventually. But he could never accept what Tony felt. Even now, Tony couldn't face the possibility of being rejected. He knew he deserved it- the pain, the loneliness- the hatred- but Tony couldn't see those pretty blue eyes darken, and Bucky ordering him out of his life.

Subconsciously, Tony felt his hand jump to his dark hair, now sticky with blood. Fuck. The wound must have reopened. He could feel Howard's touch on him, slamming his head into a corner of a stone counter again and again.

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