Chapter 7

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A/N: This chapter took so long to write it's ridiculous

Tw: Injury, past injuries

Tapping his foot impatiently at the crossroads between them and S.H.I.E.L.D, Pietro glanced fleetingly at Wanda, who ignored him altogether.

Huffing, Pietro looked expectantly at Wanda, but she barely even glanced up at him. "Alright, fine, you asked for it," Pietro raised his hands in surrender, his lips bent in a childish smile.

Grabbing her by the arm, Pietro dragged Wanda over the zebra crossing, dodging the incoming traffic effortlessly. She barely had time to gasp before they were on the other side, cars seemingly not even realising what had happened.

"Pietro!" Wanda yelped accusingly, and slapped him on the chest, knocking him backwards.

"You didn't see that coming?" Pietro said breathlessly, winded from the blow Wanda had dealt him.

Frowning, Wanda tucked her chin into the scarf she'd found in her closet, shielding her face from the wind as they passed the fountain in front of the main building. "You almost killed me."

Pietro's eyes flashed in amusement, but he didn't argue back. "Is that Stephen's scarf?" He asked instead, gesturing at the red scarf that so resembled Stephen's.

Wanda blinked. "It doesn't look anything like his." She rubbed her thumb and forefinger on the fabric gently, before tucking her hand back into her pocket. "Plus it doesn't do any of that magic stuff."

Swiping her ID card absently through the slot on her locker, Wanda stepped back as it popped open, almost hitting Pietro, who was leaning against the locker next to hers. She balanced her bag on her foot as she began taking out her science books and protective gear, dumping them into Pietro's outstretched hands.

He glared at her, making a motion as if to drop her things, but Wanda simply waved her hand and a cloud of red mist appeared under Pietro's hands, supporting her books.

Pietro yanked his hands back before they got stuck in that position, glowering at Wanda. "Showoff."

Wanda rolled her eyes at Pietro's comment, taking her protective glasses off the top of the pile and positioning them on top of her head. She gently pushed Pietro backwards as she shut the door of her locker and removed her ID card.

"What class do you have?" Wanda asked, leaning over his schedule.

Pietro groaned and ran a hand through his dirty blond hair, previous conversation forgotten. "Maths."

"Ouch," Wanda winced, looking sympathetically in her brother's direction.

Biting the inside of her cheek, Wanda lifted the protective field slightly higher and removed it with a sweep of her hand, almost doubling over from the weight. "I'm good," Wanda declared as Pietro reached out an arm to support her.

As the other students started to arrive, Wanda waved goodbye to her brother, still half-staggering from the weight of her books.

Pietro, however, had already vanished in a flash of silver.

"Hey Lokes," A familiar snarky voice addressed him, walking up to Loki with his hands in his pockets.

Loki smiled faintly. "Anthony."

"Oh, ew, don't call me that," Tony replied carelessly. "That reminds me of my father." He reached up to tuck his sunglasses into his breast pocket, blinking in the sudden light of the hallway.

"So why aren't you talking to the wizard over there?" Tony nodded in Stephen's direction, who was leaning against the wall reading a book, his back facing them.

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