Chapter 10

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Tw: Strong language, implied injury

"Hold up," Tony held up a finger and flicked it in between Loki and Thor. "Sister?"

Thor nodded, expression darker than any of them had ever seen him before. "Older sister. Our father sent her away to boarding school after she almost killed a teacher."

Almost imperceptibly, Loki flinched, quickly composing himself so no one could see the flash of remembrance that passed over his face, but Tony caught it, and frowned.

"She was our age when- "

"It happened?" Thor supplied, but for once, his sky blue eyes were hard to read. "She's in year twelve now."

Loki ducked his head, as if he were hoping none of the others would make the connection. "Hela isn't the friendliest person. And she hates us."

Peggy, who had been standing very silently by herself, spoke up. "It has been two years since you last saw her." Although her voice didn't betray a hint of emotion, Tony could tell she was thinking about Sharon.

"I suppose," Thor sighed, not sounding very convinced.

"We can't sit here and do nothing," Wanda said abruptly, her blue-green eyes shining. She pushed up the sleeves of the sweater she had been wearing, and crossed her arms.

Placing the tips of his fingers to his temples, Bucky sighed. "That's all we can do at the moment. They haven't really done anything except try and kill Loki, which is honestly pretty normal for them."

"We'd need complete video evidence, and even then I'm not sure Fury would believe us," Bruce muttered.

"Obadiah probably twisted his words to make it seem like it was just an accident," Stephen scowled. "He should've been expelled."

"If Loki wasn't such a fast healer, he might've," Tony cut in, waving his hand at Loki, who looked disgruntled but perfectly fine.

"What, you want me to fake my death?" Loki asked.

A flash of green.

Loki was still standing, but his head was now lolling on his shoulder and his eyes were half-lidded, dark blue veins crawling up his rapidly purpling face. A trickle of blood ran from Loki's nose and dripped into his slightly open mouth.

"Point taken," Tony shuddered, and Loki, with a smirk, removed the illusion.

Bucky arched an eyebrow at that. "What if we get them to think we're vulnerable?"

Steve turned to gape at Bucky, dawning comprehension evident in his expression. Tony almost hated that they could read each other's minds.

"Apart from Capsicle and the wicked witch of the west there, we're all clueless, Barnes. Care to explain?" He pushed, ignoring the way Bucky's lips bent into a crooked smile at his words, and Wanda scowled.

"Staging a sight is too risky at this point," Bucky pointed out. "Rumlow is too unpredictable, and they might have help. Even with someone recording for Fury, it's no guarantee we won't get hurt in the process."

"Some would say that's part of the fun," Clint said under his breath, making Nat elbow him in the side.

Bucky paused for a moment and glanced at Loki, who only gave him a 'get on with it before I stab you with a dagger' look. "If Loki were to create an illusion, he could make it seem like the Winter soldier took over..."

Half-expecting Steve to start his motherly clucking, Tony pressed his lips together, regarding him through slitted eyes.

Neither of the two said a word, although a hush fell over the group. "Gods no, you guys can't seriously be considering this," Tony protested, his hands clutching the chair in front of him in a death grip.

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