chapter 2: seeing her

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This chapter is continuing the last one, but from Peters POV this time! <3

I was in love with this girl, my neighbor. At least, I thought I was in love with her. Or I was supposed to be. I mean, who wasn't? I guess there was something always missing. Something I didn't realize. And that was Holly, but we'll get to that later.

When I saw Holly's total jerk of a boyfriend, Josh dangling an incredibly dangerous spider over her I felt some sort of power. I shoved him, it didn't do much. But it sent the spider flying.

She dumped him after. I was happy for her, he was not a good guy. I knew Harry like her tons. He was always staring at her or talking about her. I think she likes him too.

Then I saw my chance to take pictures of MJ. Beautiful neighbor girl MJ. My MJ. Then I felt something crawl out of my sleeve, and onto my hand. I put the camera down and she walked away to her boyfriend Flash. He was also a real jerk.

The creepy blue and red spider crawled onto my hand and bit me. I jumped and it flew off and hid in the floor. I saw Holly waiting up at the front with Harry, laughing. I'd always wanted a girl to like me. And laugh with me. But I wasn't that kind of boy. They all laughed at me and pushed me around.

This bite really hurt. I walked up to Holly and Harry, they both just kind of shut up. "H-hey Peter. Uh since this thing is over I was thinkin we could all go get something to eat then walk home or something." She said quickly.

Woah. A girl, wanting to go do something with me? No, no. It had something to do with Harry. She felt bad not inviting me. Harry gave me some sort of "come with us" look that I didn't quite understand.

Harry was really giving him a 'she likes you, cmon man!' Kind of look.

I nodded and started walking with them. "So uh there's this little diner. It's my favorite place to go, they've got the best fries honestly. It's real close to my house, and here. I thin-" Holly was saying, but she stopped talking when Harry put his arm around her while we were all walking.

I wished I could be like Harry. Just go for it. But i cant. "Is it Johnny Boys diner? The one on 7th and Belmont?" I asked

"Yes it is! Oh Harry, well I'm sure you've never been here. I hope you like cheap greasy food." She teased. I'd never noticed her laugh before. Heck, I'd never noticed her before. I mean I noticed her, but not in this way. I started to see how pretty she was. I just started seeing all of her lovely qualities.

"So, Peter what's your favorite thing at Johnny Boys?" Holly asked me with a radiant smile, Sun on her face.

"Uh well I, I uh I don't mind their onion rings." God why was I such a loser. Why cant I just talk to her normal?!

"Mm yeah those are good. I think I'll get like pizza, milkshake, hmm maybe fries too. I'm starving. I had to run this morning. No breakfast." She shrugged.

Harry chuckled, and continued to hold her. She looked to be so mesmerized by him. They continued their side chatter and I was on the outside, again. We got to the diner and Holly twirled her hair to the host and he got us a table real fast.

She winked at Harry and I. Man, girls had a lotta power. Holly ordered all her food, and Harry seemed to struggle ordering. We helped the poor rich kid out. Then I just got a ginger ale and some onion rings. I wasn't feeling too good.

We sat at the table and laughed. Holly was real funny. Then she got up and walked off to the bathroom. Then Harry got up too, I saw him walk over to her and grab her by the shoulders, she jumped clearly startled. I saw them whisper to each other for a brief moment, then I saw him push her up against the wall and they started making out.

I gasped and then put my head down low. My heart has just been broken by a girl I didn't like. At least I didn't know I liked her. I called up my uncle Ben saying i would probably be home in about an hour. I told him who I was out with. "Oh, that Holly. She sure is pretty. I like her a lot more than that Mary Jane figure. Peter you've got two very pretty neighbors, but why do you chase after the problem girl? Holly is-" he started to go on, but I closed the phone laughing, man was he wacky.

Holly walked back over to the table in a rush, Harry had just entered the bathroom. "Uh hey Peter. You didn't see anything, right? Cause if ya did I mean it's not really how it looked-" she started rambling.

"Holly, relax you can kiss whoever you want. Plus why would I care?" I asked, trying to hide that I may have feelings for her.

"Oh," she said sadly, "you're right. Sorry."

Harry came back and sat in her booth. "Glad I could help you out with Josh." He sad.

"Josh?" I asked.

"Yeah, he was coming by. She spotted him and ran off. So I went and kissed her so he would have a bone to pick with me. Not anyone else." He put a lot of emphasis into 'else' was he talking about me?

"Josh is, well he's lame. I mean he's not really even one of the cool guys. I mean you talk about how you never liked him, why'd you date the guy?" I asked.

"Uhh I dunno. I guess my friends just kinda told me he was 'so hot' and 'so cool' and that I had to date him because he 'liked' me or some of that bullshit. I guess I thought if I broke up with him everyone would hate me. But I don't really care anymore. We graduate soon anyways." She sighed, I watched her enchanting golden brown eyes light up in the sun as her eyes fluttered shut.

"Well you don't need to worry about that anymore." Harry's big electric smile beamed at her. She smiled back. She was the kind of girl who smiled with her eyes and eyebrows with a small upturn in her lips. She had doe and siren eyes at the same time. I didn't know how to explain her beauty.

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