chapter 6: lost and found

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this chapter will be partly in hollys pov, and partly in Peters pov. I will state when it's peters, otherwise it's probably Holly's.

Harry and I walked down to Mr. Stevens room. "God! What happened to you?!" He screamed when he saw my face.

"Got too close to a hall fight." I sighed.

"Listen, I know graduation is coming soon. I get you're just trying to have fun. But when I'm teaching your laughing is disruptive to some of the kids who do care enough to learn. I understand sometimes we have days where we're just talkative, but please try to keep that down. There's no homework tonight, but since you guys seemed distracted I would like you to read page 78 in the algebra textbook and tell me a little bit about it tomorrow." He told us.

"Yes, Mr. Stevens. It's been one of those days, I'm sorry." I said.

"Yeah, me too. I'll do the reading. Sorry for not paying attention." Harry added.

"Alright, now you two go to lunch." He said.

We walked out of the classroom, pretty shocked that he was so chill about it.

We saw Peter hurrying up the hallway. "Dude where are you running off to?" Harry chuckled.

"I'm ditching the rest of this day. You should to." He said as we saw Jeff, Jack, Josh, and Flash storming up the hallway.

"Jesus Peter, what'd you do?" I groaned as I hurried to my locker.

"Nothing!" He yelled defensively.

We slipped out of the building, only a few yards away from Josh's little 'gang', "RUN!" Harry shouted.

I started running like nothing else mattered. We stopped across the street to gather ourselves. "The science lab, we have to get back there. Then I guess we can do whatever." I said. The boys both nodded so I assumed it was cool with them, and I started walking to the lab.

"It's kinda far from school Holly. Why don't we catch the city bus." Peter suggested.

"Yeah that's a good idea." I said tiredly. We waited a while then hopped onto the city bus.

I got on and sat down towards the front while Peter and Harry spoke outside of the bus. It was completely empty except this group of creepy men in the very back. They all started looking at me and whispering. Then they started to come to the front of the bus.

"Come on Peter, come on Harry..." I muttered with my jaw clenched.

They walked up to me and started to say weird things, but Peter and Harry walked right up to them and sat next to me. The guys got weird looks on their faces and headed to the back of the bus again.

Harry and Peter looked at me as if they felt bad or something but I just ignored it. I'd like to pretend that nothing happened. "I cant believe I left my freaking purse at the lab." I groaned.

"At least you left it there and not some place it would probably be stolen at." Peter mentioned.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. I cant believe we just left. We just left school! Do you know how bad this is? We can get in so much trouble- this- I-" I started to freak out, but Harry put one arm around me and the other over my mouth.

"Shut up Holly. Listen, do you hear that?" He said. All I heard were bus tires screeching.

"I hear traffic dumbass. What's your point." I said.

"Something we wouldn't hear at school. It's the sound of freedom!" He exclaimed.

"Jeez what are you on man!" Peter laughed.

"Nothing." He smirked and smiled.

I rolled my eyes at him and laughed. Peter was sitting across from us and Harry was next to me, even though the bus was pretty much freaking empty. "Why so close Harry?" I questioned.

"No reason." He said. Peters smile kinda evaporated. I just looked at Peter wondering what I could do to make this less awkward. I kept thinking, how there was this whole spiral.

Me —Peter— MJ
Me — Harry — MJ
Peter — Me — Harry

God, maybe things wouldn't be as complicated if freaking MJ wasn't in the picture. I just hoped one of them would choose her. It was obvious they both liked her, and me. The only problem is I don't know which one of them I want. It sounds bad, but they're my best friends and now I'm in love with both of them.

We got to the lab and I hurried off the bus. I took a deep breath in and walked into the building, waving the boys to me. I got to the building and saw them very far behind. There was a black car once again, coming to collect Harry.

Hmph. Great.

At least I'd be alone with Peter now, he seemed more open with just me. The car pulled away and Peter started walking up the stairs.

He got to the top and greeted me once again. "Peter you're acting different. Just cut to the chase, I know." I said. I didn't know really, not why at least.

He looked a little stunned, "I don't know. I just woke up different I guess. It's not too hard to believe, is it?" He asked.

"Your whole personality changed. You changed. You look different. What happened?" I asked.

"I don't know. Holly. I don't know. It's like- it's like... I don't know. Somethings off." He said.

"Like what?" I asked.

"My senses. I dunno. Everything feels different. Im like more alert.. I can hear better. It's just weird." He muttered.

"Hey well I'm sure it's ok. Would you come in with me to find their lost and found?" I asked.

"Sure." He said.

Peters POV now!!

She walked inside, as I felt nervous walking back to the place where I had been changed. That spider was still in the building and I was nervous.

She walked up to someone at the front desk and they pointed her towards a hallway. She walked that way and waved me over to her.

"Uh here's the bin." She said as she crouched down and started routing through everything.

Then I saw something, the spider. It was crawling around sneakily.

I didn't want to say anything because I knew she would literally freak out.

"Ah I found it!" She exclaimed as she unzipped her purse to make sure everything was in it.

That's when the spider crawled in. I gasped.

"What?" She asked.

"I- uh. N- nothin..." I panted.

"Alright.." she hesitated as she zipped her purse back up. But I noticed she didn't do it all the way.

"Wanna go get lunch?" She asked.

"Yeah, sure-" I started, but some large man bumped into her and it sent her purse flying, along with its contents.

My eyes scrambled looking for the spider. She shrieked and tan to her journal and picked it up. She tucked it into her purse quickly, in a panic. I was too busy looking at her to see that the spider had crawled up inside the bottoms of her baggy jeans.

"Ahh!" She shrieked in pain as she started shaking her leg crazily.

"What?" I asked, but i already knew what happened. It was too late, the spider had already bit her. What if it had different effects on her?!

"Uahhhh! Something- ahh! Something bit me!" She cried, fearing insects now more than ever. She shook out her leg even more and we saw a red and blue spider fall to the floor. She nearly fainted at the sight of it.

Uh oh.

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