chapter 3: teenage games

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this part of the story will be from holly's pov once again :)

I was sitting in the booth at the diner with my new friends. But I didn't know if I could just be friends with one of them, the problem was this morning I could've told you which one I wanted more from. But now I can't. Not after how Harry treated me today, and after that kiss. Oh that kiss. Yet somehow, I still felt as if I were betraying Peter.

We paid for our food and it almost seemed as we should go our separate ways for the day. But I wanted to spend the half day from the feild trip in a memorable way.

"Guys don't go anywhere, please. We should go hang out in the alley behind Burger King. It's honestly really fun!" I said.

Peter looked nervously at Harry, and Harry said "ah what the hell. If you say it's fun I'm sure it's dangerous, and fun." He teased.

Peter just nodded and followed us. I ran to that alley and hopped up on top of the dumpster. The two boys just sat there and looked at me as if I were crazy.

I climbed up to the closest fire escape and hurled myslef over the edge and landed on its creaky floor.

Harry was laughing like crazy, while Peter was literally going crazy "Holly get down, those things aren't safe you know! It might fall!" He freaked out.

"Oh relax Peter I do this from my house all the time. You ever hear a thudding on your roof? I gotta get outta my place somehow!" I yelled down to him.

I slid under the bars and locked my legs on the lower ones and just dangled from the escape, seeing a terrified Peter and a now nervous Harry below me.

I swung back and forth at a quicker pace, then let go and started to drop like 10 feet.

Peter and Harry yelped and ran towards me, haha funny! Like they'll catch me.

I landed perfectly in the dumpster that was full of packing peanuts and pillows. I whooped and laughed as they cursed at me telling me how dangerous that was.

"Guys chill! I have everything placed perfectly for the right landing!" I told them as I sat on the top of the closed dumpster and my back against the bricks.

Harry and Peter climbed up and sat on both sides of me. "So you really jump from your room to my roof?" Peter asked me.

"Well it'd be easier if I could just climb into a room in your place, but I climb outta my window, and up it to my roof, then onto your roof. It's easier to climb down your house than mine. So I'm sorry, just keep telling your aunt and uncle it's like birds or something." I told him, kind of embarrassed.

"Where do you even leave to?" Harry asked.

"Here. I like to hang from there at night." I said.

"But Holly that's so dangerous, you know what kind of people are around here what if something happened?" Peter freaked out.

"Relax Peter, I told you I've got a whole system!" I told him. I did in fact have a defense and alarm system out here. As well as the "system" to keep me alive when I hung from the fire escape.

"Cmon Peter she's smart, you gotta give her that." Harry smiled.

"Let's do something, fun. How about.. truth or dare!" I said excitedly, I wanted to make memories.

Peters eyes widened and he looked nervous. "Cmon Peter, it's fun. What do you have to hide anyways?" I asked.

"N-nothing uh let's do it." He stammered.

"I'll go first." Harry said.

"Holly, truth or dare." He asked me.

"Truth." I said.

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