Chapter 22- Rain Drops on Roses and Whiskers on Kittens...

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I glared at Tamaki " a play? What about?"

" well, we were thinking Romeo and Juliet, but we need your consent, seeing as you'll be playing the piano for it" he laughed nervously, handing me a script.

I took it, examing it quickly " there aren't any musical peices listed here"

" well we wanted you to choose"

" because you've got an ear for music"

I turned to the twins , handing them the script .

" yes, but I've never composed a good song before, so I disapprove" I pulled out my overstuffed folder of music, and a few slipped from the bottom.

Hikaru and Kaoru grabbed a couple papers, reading the titles.

" Eidelweiss?" Hikaru asked, turning the paper arount to show me.

" Sound of Music? Is that a play or something?"

I immediatly grabbed the papers, setting my folder behind me.

I laughed, pulling the papers go my chest " Sound of Music is only my favorite movie and play in all time, and I've studied the music until my head started to spin "

" what are you saying? That we should put on this play?" Kyoya asked, writing in his journal.

" you're a genius! Its so sbsolutely perfect!!" I yelled, jumping into the air " how about it, Tamaki?"

" a play about music? I don't know..." he muttered.

" it IS a culture festival, tono" I muttered " a bit of music really couldn't hurt"

" I suppose..." Tamaki muttered, his mind obviously somewhere else.

" okay! From now on, I will take charge of this play! First things first , we need a script!" I yelled trimuphantly.

Hikaru and Kaoru stood and saluted me " aye sir! We're in it!" They shouted before running off.

" next is audition setups, Kyoya? You up for it? " I askdd with a smile

" I don't think I would be able to judge ither people. ....." he said.

" that's my job, I want you to setup times,posters and where we'll have it"

" alright, I'll try"

I turned to Haruhi next " Haruhi, I need yoh to audition for a part, yiur height fits one if the children, same with Hani-senpai"

' Mori-senpai, can you fjnd a good choreographer?" I asked quickly

Mori-senpai nodded, running off into thr distance.

" and finally, Tamaki" he looked up .

" yes?"

" your job is by far the most important"

" okay, what is it?"

" cheer up"

Tamaki lookdd confused " what?"

"Cheer up" I said sternly " I don't know what's up with you; but I need yoh for a certain part ib ghe play, yiur the only person that fits this part..other than Hikaru of course"

" I see.." his face lit up " whatever you say daughter dearest!"

I held up my hand " don'f get too carried away"

Haruhi and Honey ran off, hopefully to get their scripts.

Tamaki went off as well, leaving Kyoya and I to sit in an awkward silence as we worked.

I rummaged through my bag, searchjng forthd music, when the ground began to rumble, and Renge came up through the floor, laughing maniacally.

" Aku! Listen up now! I want to audition for your little play, as the main role" she shouted anx I rolled my eyes.

" go znx find the twins, they can give you the scripts. Look for the name Maria, that's the main role, then ckme ti me si u can tell you the songs and how they go" I said off the top of my head " if yiu don't get the part, you can be an extra, if we fhink yiu've got the stuff for it"

" we?" Kyoya asked, looking up from his computer " who else is going to help you with auditions?"

" to be honest , I was hoping you would, you're the only obe who won't be busy" I shrugged, as Renge left.

" abdolutely not, I don't know a thing about this play" he said quickly.

I thiught for a moment " well....come over to my house tomorrow afternoon, and we'll watch it"

He said nothing, and I took thaf for an 'ok'.

I continued to get all the peices, organizing them by scene and person.


The next day:

I setup the old tape player, making sure it still worked.

I smiled as the taoe began, the familiar scenery warming my heart.

I jumped as a knock sounded on the door, and hurried to ooen it. Kyoya stood outside, dressed in some casual jeans and a tee shirt .

" c'mon, its starting!" I squealed, hurrying bsck to my spot on the floor.

He sighed and closed the door, coming to sit next to me.

" so...what's ha-" I silenced him as rolling green hills eith a backdrop of miuntains came into veiw, the music growing louder.

Julie Andrews came into veiw, and she began to sing.

" the hills are alive....wiyh thr sound of music!" I sang with her, my voice echoing in thr apartment, and Kyoya hsd to silence md every time a song began to play.


As the movie ended, Kyoya got up and stretched, rubbung his eyes wearily.

" I suppose I could help you with the auditions, your welcome" he smirked, opening the door.

" I never said thank you!" I shouted as he closdd the door behind him.

I watched as the credits rolled, and the tape ended. I pushed the play button, and the movie began again, me singing along at the top of my lungs.

Truth is, I would've loved to be Maria in the play..but it WAS my job to play for the Host Club.....

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