Chapter 18 - Something Wicked This Way Comes , aka, Here Comes Kyoya

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" A Halloween Test of Courage ! "

I groaned as the activity was ' announced ' , rubbing my temples.

I had finally gotten over my sickness, but refysed to go to the club. My American boys hadn't been in quite awhile, so I didn't think they'd care if I missed a few days.

I just didn't want to see Kyoya again.

I had asked Haruhi how everyone was doing, and she said they were good, but she quickly changed the subject after that.

I looked up in annoyance as the Class Rep asked if anyone was going to decline.

I considered, but stopped when a devious though came to mind .

I could scare the twins out of their mischievous little wits .

So, I kept my hand to myself, smirking like the devil.

- -----

After class, the twins pulled Haruhi along to go and tell Tamaki that they wouldn't be coming to club, and neither would I .

They asked me to come, but of course I declined, and simply waited for them outside the classroom.

" Kessaku"

huh? am I here things?

" Fujioka-san "

I turned and blinked in surprise at the class rep, who was crouched behind a pillar. I glanced around, raising an eyebrow at him, " yes? "

" are those twins anywhere around ? " he asked quietly, slowly standing up and glancing around.

I chuckled, shaking my head, " no, they went to tell Tamaki-senpai they couldn't attend the club with Haruhi "

I've never so much relief on a hormonal boy's face in my life.

it was short-lived, of course.

" Kessaku-sa- or can I call you Aku? "

I shrugged, " Aku is fine , whatever you're-"

" Aku-san, please let me be on a team with you and Fujioka ! " he stammered, shaking slightly.

this guy has problems

" sure , it's fine with me, and I know Haruhi won't mind " I smiled slightly.

" thank goodness! " Class Rep exclaimed, " if I'm with you two, I'm sure I can keep my calm around the Hitachiin brothers "

" you called, "

" class rep? "

I grimaced at the two gingers that had snuck up beside me, " do you idiots have nothing better to do than scare the lights out of this poor young man? " I asked, gesturing to the class rep .

The poor kid was attempting to scramble away.

Hikaru was about to retort when a girl peeked out of the classroom. " we're about to pick groups, can you come inside please? "

" the five of us will be a group ! " The twins grinned, grabbing Haruhi and I like ragdolls.

That didn't last long; I quickly punched both of them in the guts , glaring at them.

" I swear if you touch either of us again, I'll smash your faces in " I growled, making both of them laugh nervously.



That evening, we split up into our groups , and went along our way to try and scare people.

We were failing to console Class Rep, as well as failing to scare anyone. I stood by as Haruhi attempted to make Class Rep feel better, and she was failing until someone mentioned Kurakano.

Turns out , he is a pure hearted little angel.

Which wasn't exactly surprising.

I happened to glance over at them my seat on the floor,and I was met by screams and a skull.

I screamed as well, though I wasn't as surprised.

" hey guys , it's not your turn !" Kaoru shouted , and Hikaru kicked the skull back up the stairs.

" my skullll......who skullll!!!????"

We stared in fright at the figure at the top of the stairs, could this be the fabled clock tower witch?

" run ! " I shouted, turning to run away.

Of course, everyone was already gone. I sighed, starting down the opposite hall in an attempt to 1.get away from the other team and 2. find somewhere better to hide .

And what did I run into? the scariest thing of all .....


he was leaned up against the wall, reading with a flashlight in obvious boredom.

I turned to go, but stopped when I spotted Tamaki at the bottom of the steps, holding the ' face ' of the clock tower witch.

Wow. Just- Wow.

I sighed, and resolved to just sit against the wall and wait.

For what , I don't even know.

" you didn't get scared? " a voice asked.

Ugh, I could do with not talking to him....but that's rude.

" of course I did , I just took the more logical route " I replied sharply, glancing over at him.

The raven-haired male smirked , shutting his book, " you haven't really given me a chance to explain my actions, you know ? "

I scoffed, " I'm completely tired of you toying with me , I don't need an explanation to know your just heartless "

Kyoya sighed, " do you still like him? "

" what? " I asked, confused.

" Arai , do you still have a major crush on him ?"

I smiled lightly, " why does it matter? are you jealous ? "

" of course I'm jealous; it's burning through my soul , my very being , " he admitted, frowning , " and it won't stop until I have you , I stop liking you,or I die "

That was perhaps the most poetic thing I've ever heard this guy say....and I was touched.

" so you break my heart? is that how you deal with things ? "

The male sighed, leaning back against the wall, " I wanted to see if you actually liked me...."

I stood up, suddenly angry, " you couldn't just ask like a normal guy? I have never been more heartbroken in my life, Kyoya..."

I crossed my arms and started away, " you disgust me "

I wasn't followed as I went back to the place everyone was supposed to meet. Clearly , no one had won, and it turned out that everyone but me was a captain of all cowards. You miss a lot when you have to stop amd break a man.

I smiled as I walked with the twins and Haruhi to the club room.

I had a new confidence, and was ready to face the club.

[ sorry it's so short ! I've been on quite the writer's block lately .... ;_; I'll do BETTER next time! - Orokana Koke ]

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