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Prodigy and Policy

Chapter 4

It had been a couple of weeks since the ball, and things had gotten back to normal.

If you could call anything about this club normal.

I have noticed the last few days that Kyoya has been acting differently around me. He's a little less rude and a little more...nice? I want to say that, but I'm still not sure the word fits the way he's acting. He's been between the two ever since we met and I still can't figure out what he's thinking. 

Today was one of those cosplay days, but I luckily didn't have to dress up. Seriously, what's the point of me dressing up anyway?

It seemed Haruhi didn't have any customers yet today, so we were just walking and chatting a bit, which got plenty of jealous glares from the guests. She really is popular...

" Tears sure are popular today..." she murmured, sighing. Upon closer inspection, I realized she was right. The twins were crying, Tamaki was crying... what the hell was going on?

" damn, it seems like everyone is crying today, " I sighed, looking up to see Kyoya starting towards us, " uuuh, I think one of the guests needs more tea!" I exclaimed, before hurrying off in the opposite direction. I cannot deal with him right now.

Of course, I was stopped by Hani-senpai, who was also crying. Of course.

As expected of the club's loli-boy host...

" A-Aku-chan.." He blubbered, stopping and looking up, dark brown eyes full of tears, " I don't know how, but I lost one of my sandals...."

" were just wearing them.." I muttered, trying not to be taken in by his child-like charm. Loli-boys are dangerous...

" I'm sure you'll find it, senpai...." I comforted, finally just succumbing and ruffling his hair a bit.


I looked up in surprise at Mori-senpai, who then knelt down in front of Hani..

Was this some sort of goddamn Host trick again? It sure seemed like it, the way the two of them practically sparkled as well as the sound of their fans screaming about how cute it was. I knew I couldn't trust him.

I had just started back over to Haruhi, only to discover there was a mob of clients around her as well. I would later learn that she had discovered the secret to the Host's tears, as well as received a cute little cake to offer at her mother's memorial. She really is too pure.

Of course, before I could get to her, I was stopped by Kyoya.

"Why-Kessaku, are you avoiding me?" he asked, smirking faintly, " I can't imagine why. Perhaps you were entranced by me at the ball?"

I immediately became red, huffing angrily, " you wish. Come on, I'm not avoiding you, and I certainly won't be swayed  by that fake smile of yours"

" Fake? Now why on Earth would you think that?" He asked, chuckling. " my smiles for you are only genuine, you know".

I simply scoffed at that, rolling my eyes a bit, " please, senpai, Haruhi told me how all your smiles are just to appease customers. I know how business works, you can't fool me"

"Is that so? Well, then I'll just have to-" Kyoya was suddenly cut off by the harshest, most annoying voice I have ever heard in my life.


I snapped my head around to see a girl I didn't recognize pointing and shouting at Tamaki.

"What the hell...?" I muttered, moving closer to see her better. Who the hell did she think she was, just screaming at the top of her lungs?

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